FileMaker developer helps transform district’s student assessment

Just one FileMaker developer. That's all it took for a Kansas school district to revolutionize the way it administered and reviewed student assessments. 

That district, the Dodge City Public Schools, had struggled with student evaluation. When it began handing out iPads to teachers and students last year, Ray Wipf, executive director of information management, surmised that the devices could be used for more than mobile apps and note taking. Soon, he came up with a solution using Filemaker.

Initially only used on desktops and laptops, the program is now on all 1,200 of the districts iPads — a number that's expected to increase more than fivefold. Students can use the tablets to answer multiple choice and short answer questions, and teachers can track scores and progress, all in real time. Teachers can then quickly identify trends and areas of need, by using custom database filters to sort by subject and areas of weakness. They can view this information in chart, graph or list form, and readily identify students who need extra help. 

Wipf has long recognized the value of being a FileMaker developer.

"I know how to program and I've used FileMaker a number of times in the past. When the district approved the budget to purchase a license for the product, FileMaker was installed on all desktops and laptops," he told education publication The Journal. "We decided the value of doing that would be justified."

Now, with this iPad expansion, the schools in the district are realizing even more benefits from the versatile program. Now that teachers can analyze student results more quickly and thoroughly than before, they can make sure that every student is put in the best possible position to succeed. 

The benefits of FileMaker

Databases and spreadsheets are used in companies all across the world. While each of these systems seems like a simple solution, there are a number of ways that individual businesses can implement them and find service providers to partner with. One of the top solutions is FileMaker.

A recent eHow article explained why a number of companies are turning toward FileMaker as their relational database engine software. It features an easy to use interface to retrieve, store and organize data without losing its capacity to handle large amounts of information. The usability is not determined by the user's level of computer literacy but with how easy it can be picked up and mastered.

"Small businesses and other groups, organizations and individuals also have uses and needs for databases," the article reads. "FileMaker Pro's user interface makes it so that these smaller users, with little to no financial resources, can start a database of their own without having to invest too much money or effort."

This means businesses do not need to outsource the construction of a database to an expensive third party but can instead create something more easily that is internal.

FileMaker also has a mobile application version known as FileMaker Go, which allows businesses to use the system and pair it with mobility, another major trend in the corporate landscape.

With the help of an IT consulting firm that specializes in FileMaker development, businesses of any size can implement the database solution and make sure the entire team is on the same page.

Kyo Logic issues database user survey

At Kyo Logic, we believe gaining a better understanding of our customers and how they manage data will ultimately lead to improved services and make us better at what we do. That's why we recently issued a survey that asked people their views about using shared databases at work.

As proponents of FileMaker development and its benefits, we were curious as to who uses FileMaker in their everyday work and how it compares to other systems that they use.

The overall purpose of this survey is to launch an on-going effort to understand what is most important when using databases in the work place. This research will tell us about FileMaker as well as many other systems found in offices today. As creators of custom database software systems, we want to make sure that we are focusing on the features and benefits that users find most valuable.

Many of our questions centered around our users, because it gives us a better sense of how FileMaker-based platforms are used. We want to know the industries our customers reside in and the size of their respective companies. We want to know which types of jobs our recipients have and how FileMaker helps them with their various daily tasks. Additionally, we want to know how their needs change as the size of their business changes.

We are also curious about the user experience. We want to know how easy their systems are to operate, which issues they encounter, how they collaborate and share information, and how they feel about the look of their interface. Understanding different types of people's preferences allow us to get a better sense of the interfaces they use and prefer.

One of the things that Kyo Logic prides itself on is the fact that we are constantly trying to learn more about our business and customers. For us, creating a survey wasn't just about finding out about a few users' preferences, but also opening a dialogue with people so that we can learn and innovate. This information will ultimately help Kyo Logic not only promote the advantages of custom software development, but also formulate strategies geared towards making our systems better overall for users.

Kyo Logic to open Boston office

Kyo Logic is always expanding and this summer we are opening an office right in the heart of Boston's financial district. This office will allow us to work closely with clients in the area and improve our relationship with all Boston-based customers.

President John Mathewson recently gave a statement regarding the move, expressing his optimism pertaining to its potential.

"We are thrilled to open our new Boston office to support our clients in the Boston metro area," he said. "We see Boston as a bright future for us and look forward to becoming more active in the Massachusetts software development community."

Boston's involvement in major industries such as healthcare, finance and business technology means that numerous local organizations have extensive data needs. Boston is home to some of the world's best medical facilities, financial firms and technology providers, but without proper resources to effectively manage pertinent information, many of these companies would not be able to live up to their potential.

That's why Kyo Logic has taken such a keen interest in the Bay State's capital. There are a number of prestigious colleges and universities in the area, so we know there are extremely smart people working throughout the city with a willingness to learn. This is why we have taken the opportunity to work with a number of local industry professionals and developers to improve the way they manage information. As FileMaker development continues to emerge as an ideal solution for creating custom database software solutions, we have spent a considerable amount of time working with Bostonians to enhance their FileMaker skills.

Now it will be even easier to do so. 

Our office will be at:

60 State Street
Suite 700
Boston, Massachusetts 02109

Why technology, not information, is the key to a successful big data strategy

In the Information Age, the general thought has been that initiating a big data strategy is the be-all and end-all component of a successful business plan. The ability to collect large volumes of information allows companies to successfully improve the way they manage internal operations and interact with customers. However, it doesn’t exactly work like that.

An article in The Canadian recently examined a number of popular misconceptions about big data, one of them being that big data itself was a miracle worker. That’s not entirely true. An unnamed executive spoke with the news source about the important aspects pertaining to big data management, explaining that the way information is analyzed is much more important than simply possessing the ability to collect data.

“You must have technology and mathematical models,” he said. “That is, the biggest difference is in the analysis of [this] data.”

Simply put, if businesses lack adequate technology or other resources required to process and manage their information, they will fail to find success from their big data efforts. Organizations today can easily absorb tremendous volumes of data with very little effort. Advantages are gained based on what companies do with that particular information.

Having the best solutions in place to monitor data, store it and analyze its value and meaning is what will set a business apart from its competitors. FileMaker development can help. Using the platform to build a scalable custom database software system will allow organizations to accurately report on their information by viewing it in real time. This is what will truly assist companies with their big data initiatives.

Kyo Logic to host FM Academy webinar on cloud computing security

On July 17, our own Tim Neudecker will be presenting a live webinar as part of FM Academy. As proud members of the academy, this is one of the several webinars we host each year. The theme of this event will be protecting users and data in the cloud.

As businesses continue to shift from standard information management and storage systems to more innovative solutions like cloud computing, the need to enhance data security has grown drastically. The benefits of hosting and using applications in the cloud are plentiful, but the potential of this system won't be realized if it is compromised by security risks. That's why it's crucial for cloud users to understand best practices pertaining to the security of information processed and stored in the cloud.

This webinar will explore exactly that, as well as the role FileMaker can play in protecting information. Some of the key areas Tim will discuss include how to limit access to various components of a cloud application and mitigate the risk of unauthorized users viewing sensitive data, as well as the best way to ensure the integrity of company information stays in tact. 

FileMaker Pro Developers and FileMaker Server Administrators are both encouraged to attend this event. We'll cover the various roles both sides can play in building business applications and managing them in a safe cloud environment. As time goes on, the cloud will only become a bigger part of business information infrastructure, so now is the best time to obtain the knowledge and skills needed to safely operate in this virtual environment. By learning these skills and applying them to application development and management practices, companies will be able to maximize the potential of their solutions.

The webinar, titled 'Protecting your Users and Data in the Cloud' will be held on Wednesday, June 17, 2013 from 3-4 PM Eastern Standard time.         

Interested parties can register on this page. A confirmation will be sent to all registered parties after the process is complete. Please remember that access to the webinar will require specific system specs, depending on the platform used to logon.

System Requirements
PC-based attendees
Required: Windows® 7, Vista, XP or 2003 Server

Mac®-based attendees
Required: Mac OS® X 10.6 or newer

Mobile attendees
Required: iPhone®, iPad®, Android™ phone or Android tablet
Space is limited.  Click here to sign up.

Big Data can bring big confusion

Without a custom database software system, businesses attempting to manage a large amount of information could have difficulty. In the age of Big Data, it is becoming more imperative for companies to have strong, reliable options in which to process mass quantities of data.

This is where tools like FileMaker development can come into play, ensuring that organizations across numerous industries are able to successfully handle all necessary information.

According to research and analyst firm Gartner, business-intelligence spending has decreased over the years because more companies are confused by Big Data.

"Business intelligence managed to grow by a reasonable seven percent in 2012, despite difficult macro conditions, being on the tail of a spending cycle, and confusion related to emerging technology terms causing a hold on purse strings," Dan Sommer, principal research analyst at Gartner, said in a statement.

Sommer added that even though cloud-based buying accounts for a smaller portion of the business-intelligence market, it is still having substantial growth.

Specifically, Gartner found that the growth in investment in business intelligence, corporate performance management and analytics apps fell back to 6.8 percent for 2012 over the previous year. This is in stark contrast to the 17 percent growth between 2011 and 2012.

Overall, business intelligence spending for 2012 reached $13.1 billion, compared to the $12.3 billion for 2011. 

Back in February, Gartner vice president and distinguished analyst Debra Logan had similar things to say about Big Data and its future. According to Logan, many organizations are just in the exploratory phases of crunching large amounts of information, and that it's a necessity for these firms to get the right tools and expertise on hand to help them through the changes.

How Big Data could affect libraries

Several weeks ago, the U.S. government announced that it was launching an open source data management system, designed to comply with the open data policy executive order that President Barack Obama signed at the beginning of May.

The government released a statement that said it would also be releasing tools to assist agencies in implementing the open data policy. Many companies must take large amounts of data and put it in an orderly fashion to use it properly. Libraries are one such institution, and the new Big Data policy is being met with positive feedback thus far.

Debbie Rabina, an associate professor who teaches government information courses in Pratt Institute's library science program, told the Library Journal that the memo was well-received by the library community. According to Rabina, many of the challenges librarians face can be traced back to the large amounts of information they manage.

"Concerns about managing privacy were addressed directly, my concerns are more in the areas of expertise for access and collection management," she said. "The kind of expertise needed to manage data [is] just beginning to emerge from within our ranks. I would like to see LIS education graduate students who have not only the technological skills, but, more important, the policy perspective that views data as a collection."

Organizations that need to be able to sift through and manage a large amount of information can greatly benefit from a custom database software system. FileMaker development can be a key resource to assist companies in being able to collect data and use it in a way that is efficient and reliable.

Our FileMaker developer certifications set us apart from the competition

In case you haven’t noticed, we are big fans of FileMaker around here. Not only are the developers on our team certified in numerous versions of the platform, we are always up-to-date on new product releases and strive to become one of the first organizations to receive certification after they launch.

FileMaker Pro 12 was released in April of 2012. Today, Kyo Logic has four FileMaker development professionals certified to work with that platform. Our professionals have a full understanding of its features and our skill and expertise allow us to get the most out of its functionality. Because we were one of the first companies to receive certification in FileMaker Pro 12, our experience sets us apart from the competition.

While we encourage our clients to embrace innovation and stay current with FileMaker platforms, we understand that’s not a practical option for everyone. That’s why we employ a staff who is certified in a number of FileMaker’s older releases. We have five developers certified with FileMaker 11, four with FileMaker 10, three with FileMaker 9, two with FileMaker 8 and one with FileMaker 7, so even if you’re hanging on to an aging system, you can rest assured that we have someone with the ability to work with your platform.

Going forward, we will be on the lookout for future FileMaker releases. When FileMaker 13 becomes available, you can be sure that we’ll be one of the first companies to study its capabilities and become certified developers. FileMaker is always on the cutting edge of developer platform technology, and we are always taking necessary steps to keep up. Regardless of the version we develop in, you can be certain that each solution we create will be done so with the speed, efficiency and precision our clients have come to expect of us.

Kyo Logic to speak at two FileMaker developer events

On Thursday, May 16, our own Tim Neudecker is set to give two presentations in the Boston area on the subject of FileMaker development and the maintenance of FileMaker-based solutions. Leading off is a discussion with the Boston-Area FileMaker Development Association (BAFDA). Following that will be a speaking engagement with a joint session of the MIT/Harvard FileMaker Developer groups. 

These presentations are a part of Kyo Logic's effort to share ideas and increase each attendee's knowledge about FileMaker and software development as a whole. There are many smart and enthusiastic individuals in Boston and the surrounding area, and a number of them are interested in FileMaker and its features. Tim's speaking event is an opportunity to promote this kind of enthusiasm and present eager learners with an opportunity to walk away with greater knowledge about their applications.

We are always thrilled to partake in situations such as this. As an organization, we are proud to share our experience, enthusiasm and expertise about all topics pertaining to FileMaker development. It's this kind of passion that allowed us to win the 2003 FileMaker Inc excellence award for our support for the developer community. We have continued this level of commitment for the past 10 years and have taken it upon ourselves to encourage other individuals to get on board with FileMaker development and learn the skills needed to ensure they have created and are using a terrific application. 

The topic of this discussion will be virtual lists, where we will explore what they are and why they should be used. We hope each individual in attendance walks away with a better understanding of virtual lists and can go ahead and use that knowledge to improve the way they report and export information in FileMaker Pro. 

In addition to sharing our own knowledge, one of the best perks from these kinds of events is the information we take back from these speaking engagements. In a recent statement, Tim Neudecker expressed his own eagerness to learn just as much from the audience as they will learn from him. 

"I am looking forward to my visit with the Boston area FileMaker developers, I always learn new things from them when I present there," he said. 

BAFDA is a collection of FileMaker professionals around the New England area who come together to share ideas and discuss topics that interest them – some pertaining to FileMaker development and some not. They are a group of individuals who have shown tremendous passion when it comes to using FileMaker for custom application development. Building beautiful database software systems is something that each and every attendee is excited to talk about, so we are thrilled to join in on the conversation.

On the other side of the Charles River, the MIT and Harvard FileMaker developer groups represent incredibly smart and talented individuals who understand the value in FileMaker development and have grown to become passionate about the software and just what it can do to help create new applications. We expect a large number of young and energetic individuals at this event, a group of people that our CTO is excited to talk with.

About Kyo Logic

Based out of Westport, Connecticut, Kyo Logic has been providing the Connecticut, New York and Massachusetts areas with FileMaker development and support since 2002. Kyo's commitment to finding the best possible solution for every FileMaker user, in addition to taking an active leadership role in the developer community, is what sets it apart from the competition. 

For more information, contact Tim Neudecker at 845-279-8108 or