Data Visualization


Today, it’s not enough to store your data for export. Our world moves quickly. A Claris/Filemaker data visualization system can help you uncover insights about your operations in real-time.

Features & benefits

  • Your new visualization tools will help you see summary trends quickly so that you can take action when it matters most. Easily change topics and scope to see trends in real-time.
  • With Kyo logic, your data is always yours and never shared. Effective security strategies allow you to operate effectively while building a valuable information base that you can analyze quickly and accurately.
  • Visualization graphs and charts can help your team focus on achieving goals real-time as they work. Timing is everything.

Our Process


Our clients have distinct goals, so we’ve become skilled at understanding their specific needs.  


We review our learnings with you and build a solution that helps transform your business.


Our goal is to maximize impact quickly, with as delicate a hand as possible.


Listen, learn, and do. That’s our motto.
Our Process

What our clients say about us

For many years, we grew successfully because of the technology tools Kyo Logic developed for us.
Tom Derreaux
Executive Vice President, Plowshare


Impact Studies

August 17, 2023


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August 17, 2023


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August 15, 2023


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