Regardless of the newest trend, a sales force always needs a custom database

As 2012 comes to an end, many business owners may be trying to find out what they can do to enhance their success going into the new year. By taking a look at what techniques may have found success this past year, a company can use these tactics to keep the momentum going into 2013.

According to Harvard Business Review, the number one trend for sales teams in the upcoming year is “sales force behavior modeling.” This technique is when companies study the patterns and behaviors of their top-performing sales representatives and try to figure the common denominators and differentiators between them and their co-workers.

Furthermore, “sales force verticalization” is on the rise and will continue its upward trend into 2013. This tactic allows representatives to specialize in particular types of clients the company may be looking for and create a more effective team as these employees can create more personal relationships with leads. Furthermore, this can help a business’s conversion rate shoot up as employees are more likely to convert leads into clients if they can specialize in their industry or market.

And, in 2013, territory management will begin to incorporate the use of big data in a more effective way, predicts the source. By doing this, regional managers will be able to create a more efficient way to approach and pitch to potential clients based on data specialized for that region and its markets.

Regardless of which trend a business adopts into the way its sales representatives work, having the proper technology to support the team is critical to a company’s success.

By consulting FileMaker developers, businesses can create custom database software that aids sales representatives by aggregating and sharing critical information they may need to perform at their best.

For example, businesses can effectively curate leads based on their likelihood to become conversions, creating a more efficient sales force. In addition, representatives can use the database to log calls, and track the lead’s progress through the pipeline.

Also, FileMaker Go is a great mobile app for sales representatives as it can allow them to prepare for meetings and pitches via their smartphones should they be on the road or presenting to clients abroad.

How big data can move a business from good to great

This blog has discussed the advantages that big data can give to companies that are able to harness it properly. But, in order for this to be true, businesses must be able to do just that – have control over it.

Jer Throp, data artist in residence at the New York Times, recently wrote a Harvard Business Review article about how many managers and business owners are proclaiming big data as "the new oil." But while big data has the capability to give companies the necessary information for them to go from good to great, they still need engine to make the company move.

"When people are given the tools to store, visualize and explore their own data, they gain an understanding of the worth and utility of this information," writes Thorp.

By consulting FileMaker developers, a company can create the custom database software it may need to effectively understand big data and what it can do for the business.

While Thorp goes on to explain how American companies can more effectively handle the ethics that come with big data, and use it as a way to avoid the problems that may have occurred with the previous technology boom, the first step is to be able to acquire the software that's needed for a business to understand its power.

With custom database software, a company can effectively collect and manage large sets of information in a way that can create a more knowledgeable management team. This, in turn, can help create better business decisions, which can create a more profitable company, increasing the value of the data and the software that helps manage it.

Talent management: How technology can aid human resources

Many CEOs will credit the company's success on their workforce, stating that if it weren't for the hardworking individuals that make up the corporation, the business would have never made it that far. But, in order for this to become a reality, a company must first manage its talent in the most efficient way, taking advantage of the strengths of every employee on payroll and creating the leaders the company needs.

But, according to a recent survey by ManpowerGroup, that's not exactly the easiest thing.

"Leadership development seems to be central to everyone's idea of a talent management strategy," Owen Sullivan, CEO of ManpowerGroup Specialty Brands, said in a press release. "Clearly this is the key pressure point for most organizations. Most seem to agree about the goals … to retain high-value talent, to ensure future leadership and to plan and manage succession."

Talent management can be a tricky task for human resource managers as there are many aspects to consider. For example, the source states that leadership development should be the number one priority for managers, which can take an increasing amount of time away from necessary, daily tasks.

In addition, individual and team development ranks high on the list, along with organizational effectiveness and workforce transition. All of these responsibilities will be sure to tax an already busy human resources department dealing with talent acquisition and the necessary paperwork that comes with expanding companies.

But, by consulting FileMaker developers, businesses can create custom database software that will allow them to enhance productivity. For example, a company can use this software to implement its leadership development program and distribute it to the proper employees. Or it can be used to help the HR department retain digital copies of necessary employee paperwork. Whichever aspect the business is considered weak, technology can be used to turn it into a strength.

Innovation without risk: How to speed up change without sacrificing productivity

Innovation takes time. And, according to Harvard Business Review, this concept has existed as far back as Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution, which wasn’t widely accepted by the scientist’s peers until a solid decade after he published his findings in “On the Origin of Species” in 1859.

While information may have traveled at a slower rate in the 19th century than it does in the 21st, the fact still remains that change – regardless if it’s for better or worse – still takes a decent amount of time, especially when a business is attempting to implement innovative ideas. This may be because change involves risk and, oftentimes, it can take time to evaluate the entire effect of a risk and to get the necessary decision makers on board with this process.

But, one way to speed up innovation is to use technology to ensure that a company’s productivity can remain stable during times of change, thereby limiting the risk while still gaining a reward.

Using custom database software to increase innovation

While the actual implementation of new processes, beliefs or ideas into a business’s daily routine may take some time, it’s critical that during times of change businesses can remain productive.

For example, if a business begins to develop a new product or service to add to its existing catalogue, workers may get shuffled around. In that sense, it’s critical that a company has a custom database that can hold all its critical documents and employee records, as well as project management information.

By ensuring that productivity is not lost during times of change through an effective and organized database of key task lists and other critical information, businesses can smoothly implement innovations in a timely manner without worrying about any setbacks due to the changes.

Database software can help ecommerce companies stay organized during the holidays

Cyber Monday has come and gone but that doesn’t mean the work is over. For many companies, it has actually just begun, as retailers with an ecommerce site must now set about packing and shipping the orders. This may be an especially daunting task this year, as it was one of the most lucrative Cyber Mondays to date.

According to IBM, online sales increased by 30 percent over this time last year and a good 36 percent over Black Friday. In addition, more than 18 percent of consumers visited a retailer’s site on a mobile device, a 70 percent increase over 2011’s Cyber Monday.

“Cyber Monday was not only the pinnacle of the Thanksgiving shopping weekend but when the cash register closed it officially became the biggest online shopping day ever,” Jay Henderson, strategy director of IBM Smarter Commerce, said in a press release. “Retailers that adopted a smarter marketing approach to commerce were able to adjust to the shifting shopping habits of their customers.”

For companies with an ecommerce site, the rest of this week may be a flurry of boxing, shipping and processing still-incoming orders. As such, with such a huge increase in sales seen across the board, small businesses may want to consult FileMaker developers to create a custom database software that can handle the large influx of detailed information.

For example, in every order there is at least one set of credit card information, a billing address and a shipping address, which could very well be two different locations. And, in addition to that, businesses will need to make sure each customer gets the right product, sent to the right address and with the proper invoices or receipts printed and placed in the package.

With that much information, investing a custom database software can aid with a business’s efficiency and accuracy when processing orders, ensuring that no customer experiences any holiday shopping headaches.

Measuring the worth of a Facebook like

As this blog has reported, social media is quickly becoming a mainstay in every business's marketing strategies. But, this platform is still relatively young, compared to traditional print and broadcast advertisements, and many marketing departments are unsure how to properly gauge the worth of every of retweet on Twitter or like on Facebook.

But, according to Harvard Business Review (HBR), this form of mathematics is going to become critical in the near future as social media continues to expand in its influence – regardless of the lack of hard data available to marketers. As such, a method of measuring influence needs to be developed.

The source goes on to explain how, through a complicated formula consisting of likes, unlikes, links, clicks and conversion rates, businesses can calculate a rough approximation of just how much a single like on Facebook is actually worth to the company.

But, no two businesses are exactly alike. The metrics and formulas that may work for one company might not be viable for another and, therefore, business may need to adjust their formulas or data points to adhere specifically to what's relevant for them.

As such, by consulting FileMaker developers, businesses can create custom database software that can store and analyze the algorithms described by HBR while also maintaining other pertinent information.

Furthermore, companies can use this technology to share the data to other workers and important personnel members. For example, if every employee of a marketing company knew exactly what one Facebook like was worth to the business, they could keep that in mind when planning campaigns and posts. With custom database software, business can even develop projections on whether an advertisement will reap a return on investment, either through clicks, likes or conversions.

What will the President do with all his data?

This blog has recently discussed the story of how President Barack Obama was able to use big data as a way to gain an advantage over his presidential campaign opponent, Mitt Romney. But, now that the election is over, the question has come up from campaign organizers and IT security workers: what is going to happen with all that information?

Throughout the last campaign, the president created a trove of contact information and voter profiles, which he used to increase awareness and draw support. Now this valuable knowledge is just sitting in servers and databases, collecting digital dust.

According to the Wall Street Journal, one proposed solution is for the Democratic National Committee (DNC) to takeover the database and use it to help aid future party candidates. But many are skeptical that a massive set of data built around Obama will be of much use to a candidate that would be completely different. In addition, the DNC may have some issues covering the costs that are associated with maintaining sets of data that are this large.

Another proposed idea has been to create an entirely new organization to house the data and even update it. This could come in handy with any future decisions regarding policy changes and legislature.

How to deal with data

Regardless of whether it's the organization supporting the President of the United States, or a small business looking to expand and practice better business techniques, dealing with data is a critical and tricky aspect to using it.

But, by consulting FileMaker developers, companies can create custom database software that allows them to constantly update the information they have, as well as house older data points in case they may be useful in the future. This technology is an excellent for office managers to look more closely at employee productivity and turnover rates, or for advertising companies to analyze campaign analytics.

Bank on database software to aid with medical research

Dr. David Harris, a professor of immunology at the University of Arizona and the chief of science the Cord Blood Registry, was recently awarded the "20 Years of Discovery and Innovation" award by the Arizona BioIndustry Association, for his "pioneering" work with stem cell research.

According to a press release by AdiCyte, Harris was one of the first individuals to begin banking stem cells for future use and created the Arizona Cord Blood Bank. Throughout the 20 years that Harris has been researching stem cells, it is likely that the software he used to store and analyze his findings has changed drastically.

Research can be a critical aspect to how well a university or healthcare facility performs and is received by the public. Institutions that have award winning researchers are often awarded grants, endowments and are in higher demand than less lauded competitors. But, in order to have a dynamic facility with top-notch researchers, an organization must have the software to keep up, as many scientists rely on this to aid with their discoveries.

How to use custom database software to store and share research

Healthcare facilities can benefit from implementing their own research and development software. By consulting with FileMaker developers, hospitals that also conduct research can create custom database software that allows them to store and recall critical information and results, and also share this information with other doctors in the network.

By doing this, healthcare providers can create a community that is on the forefront of research and innovation within their field, and also inform fellow physicians and nurses on the latest data available in the field. This can help foster an organization that is innovative and committed to success.

How custom software can help prevent high turnover rates

It can be hard to measure just how much of an effect one employee has on the company they work for. But, according to the Center for American Progress, it may be necessary for companies to start using technology in order to gain an estimate, as the costs of employee turnover can be crippling.

According to the source, an average company will spend about one-fifth of a worker's salary just replacing that employee, should they leave. For businesses that typically function with a high turnover rate, this can quickly increase expenses and hurt the bottom-line – not only in rising costs, but also in overall productivity. The more workers that come in and out of the office doors the less work is ultimately accomplished.

More specifically, the source's research found that positions which do not require a very specific skill set will create, on average, a turnover cost of 21 percent of an employee's annual salary. In addition, the cost of turnover between workers that are paid $50,000 annually and those that are paid $75,000 is less than one percent.

With turnover rates proving to be so costly for businesses, it may benefit managers to invest in software that allows them to quantify approximately how much of a return on investment the company gains from each employee. By consulting a FileMaker developer, businesses can create custom database software that can aid in this process.

Furthermore, by using this technology to store important employee data, managers can calculate how effective a worker has been and how much it would cost to replace this individual, should he or she leave or need to be terminated. This information can encourage supervisors to implement benefits that help retain employees longer, or improve their ability to make more informed hiring decisions.

Shaken, not stirred: Data organization in the latest James Bond film

The latest James Bond film, "Skyfall", is being lauded by many critics as one of the best in the historic series. While it has certainly seen an impressive box office performance, not normally experienced by 007 films during this century, it maintains the same conflicts that have been prevalent in most of Bond's roles: the battle between traditional ways and new technology.

CNN recently explored whether one scenario in the film, where a terrorist and James Bond are fighting for a hard drive that contains the identities of all the secret agents at MI6, is a plausible one.

"That's very consistent when you're not part of the government and you lack the infrastructure to build out a big system that a national security agency does," Morgan Wright, an experienced law enforcement agent that has performed cyberterrorism work for many United States defense agencies, told the source. Wright explained that smaller organizations must often find ways to access or store information in one place because they can't afford to "build out a big system."

Using custom database software to organize data for a small business

Intentions and spy movies aside, there is something to be said about the need for small organizations being able to store and access necessary data in one place – much like the hard drive at question in the Bond film. While this may create some security issues, being able to maintain an accurate and dynamic database of essential statistics and information in one location can aid small businesses, which are often understaffed and overworked, in operating more efficiently.

By consulting FileMaker developers, companies can create custom database software that can be specialized to their individual needs. For example, a subscription-based business will need to be able to quickly access and adjust customer contact information as its operations rely on delivering the product to the customer.

A small business that requires an aggressive sales team will also need to be able to access client model configurations and prospective sales information, often within minutes of each other should a representative be preparing for a call. By keeping necessary information in one comprehensive and custom-made database, small businesses can ensure they run effectively and organized.