Database software can help make important business changes

Businesses need the flexibility to change processes whenever doing so is required. Oftentimes, any delay in making operational adjustments could cause irreparable damage to an organization. Whether internal processes change or customer behavior requires companies to amend their product lines and marketing strategies, they have to be made efficiently.

Take the retailer Borders Group, Inc., owners of the once-popular book, movie and music retailer. The company was once one of the prominent sellers of media, but it failed to adjust to changing times and in 2011, it filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy. There were many reasons why the company went out of business, but one of the main theories is that it didn’t adjust to consumer reading habits.

A couple of years before Borders closed, the e-reader exploded on the scene and many readers ditched their paperbacks for tablet-sized devices. Amazon’s Kindle began the trend, which was later picked up by Barnes & Noble – Borders’ closest competitor. Borders, however, did not incorporate a tremendous amount of resources into developing its own e-reader. This half-hearted effort was recognized by consumers and the device did not sell well.

Had Borders been able to view pertinent consumer data, it may have been able to adjust its offerings with greater success. Instead, the company is now closed.

Companies need to be able to view information and make necessary changes when their data suggests that doing so is required for future viability. Jason Whitehead, a contributor with the online publication Customer Think, suggests that necessary changes vary in how easy they are to identify.

“While some changes are harder to map out and recognize [e.g., organizational culture change] other changes [e.g., adopting a new system or adhering to new policies] can be mapped out with clarity,” Whitehead writes.

By implementing a FileMaker-built custom database software system, organizations should be able to identify and organize all important information and make proper changes accordingly.

Optimize your applications with custom development

Business is constantly changing, regardless of the industry. Technological advancements have improved hardware functionality, which has benefited business operations. However, it has increased expectations and companies must ensure they can adjust and cater to new customer needs.

Since the development of the first software applications, businesses have been using them to improve operations. However, many apps are limited in functionality, which can hinder their usefulness. It’s up to businesses to optimize their application usage and get the most out of their solutions.

Custom application development can give organizations the flexibility and scalability needed to grow and adjust as needed. Companies that develop apps this way will not be confined by the restrictions of standard development and they will break through traditional barriers to achieve new levels of efficiency and productivity.

An article in ITWeb addresses the importance of application optimization and lists a number of benefits the practice can offer. One of them is the added value of new technological investments. Instead of holding back on new procurements due to software limitations, organizations can have the confidence to acquire new tools to really better their businesses.

“With guaranteed application performance and improved end-user experience, businesses will also have the confidence to evolve computing models by deploying other forms of technology that can positively impact on workforce productivity and business efficiency, like mobility, unified communications, software as a service and desktop virtualization,” writes Sean Nourse, the author of the article.

Improving traditional software applications can be accomplished a number of ways. However, FileMaker-based custom development can build applications that will truly deliver superb results. Organizations can benefit tremendously from their solutions created this method and many application development projects conducted in this environment are quick and cost-effective.

How custom database software can enhance social engagement

Social media engagement has become one of the most effective ways for companies to market themselves. Posting content on business Facebook pages or tweeting links to pertinent pages on the company website can develop an influx of new customers. However, this is a complicated process that must be properly managed.

As the digital information age took off roughly five years ago, it became apparent that having a website just wasn’t enough to develop an adequate online presence. Social media pages became increasingly crucial as networks such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest and Google Plus grew in popularity. However, simply having these pages is no longer enough. Companies must actively participate on them to engage online consumers.

Doing so does accomplishes a number of business goals. It shows customers that the companies they “like” or follow online care about their brand image and actively participate in customer engagement. Creating content on the company’s behalf goes a long way in building stronger relationships with consumers.

“People share content more readily than they sign up for a stream of brand chatter. Content still works as a badge,” writes Matt Rosenberg, the author of the article. “Content is happy just being shared and does not ask for anything more. You’ll have to create more solid, not-overly-promotional content and spread it with a light hand.”

This strategy can also help businesses compile pertinent consumer data, which can be used to target specific demographics or even specific individuals. Suppose a company posts a video on its Facebook page and 300 saw it through their friends without actually liking the page of the organization that posted it. Those likes are important pieces of data because it gives companies targets to further engage and turn from prospects to regular customers.

However, this data must be properly managed. A FileMaker-based database software system can capture this information and allow marketers to process it in a way that enhances their customer engagement strategies.

Custom database software and the cloud: A winning combo for business productivity

Productivity is the key to a successfulbusiness. When employees show up to work, they have to get tasks done in order to make their company money. While managers have been spending over 100 years trying to formulate strategies to improve their workers’ production, the key to productivity in 2013 is improved technology.

Cloud computing is a powerful solution that allows individuals to share, store and access data from a multitude of devices. Today, businesses use the cloud to let workers do their jobs either when they are on the road or in the office. It can protect companies from targeted cyber attacks and spur disaster recovery efforts, but it can also improve the day-to-day workload.

Matt Smith, a guest blogger with the online publication ERP Cloud News, shared the benefits of cloud computing in a recent article.

“One of the ways productivity has been increased of late is via the development of cloud computing,” Smith wrote. “It cannot be denied that cloud computing is having a tremendous positive effect upon integrating technology and making life easier overall. This is also true in the workplace, and more and more businesses are reaping its benefits.”

Businesses need to ensure they have the right solutions in place to capitalize on cloud capabilities so they can increase productivity. Using a FileMaker-based custom database software system, data can be stored and accessed with great ease. Oftentimes, cloud storage can hurt the efficiency of information access and slow down processes, thus diminishing productivity. If data isn’t properly organized, no organization will experience a return on their cloud investment. With this custom solution in place, users can enjoy the benefits of the cloud without slowing down their business.

Improve the procurement process with FileMaker-based software

Procurements allow companies to acquire the solutions needed to benefit their organization and grow. Investments into new tools, technology or services that deliver a strong return on investment can do wonders for a business, but all purchasing strategies must be properly managed.

As it is still early January, many companies are likely still finalizing their budgets for 2013. Spending has been reduced across a number of industries in recent years due to the economic downturn, but it is still a necessity. Budget plans must consider the need to procure new products and services.

Keeping this process organized can be a challenge. Requisitions are filled out from different departments, proposals are submitted, purchasing cards are issued and all actions likely have to flow to the top so they can be signed off by a CFO or CEO. Every department head likely thinks their needs supersede others, so in order to get those met, everything must be done with the utmost efficiency.

By developing a custom database software system designed to track departmental budgets, depreciate assets and organize all other pieces of pertinent financial information, the risks of improper spending can be drastically reduced. This solution can also assist in organizing the proposal process, which in turn increases the likelihood in which they will be met.

A FileMaker-based system can also accommodate a number of different user needs. For example, many companies are implementing a bring-your-own-device strategy. If users need to access or build data on a mobile device, embarking in custom application development can assist with that.

Ultimately, every financial decision must be made to benefit the company. That can only happen if decision makers have access to proper resources. A customized software system will help present them with all the information they need.

Mitigate risks with custom application development

Those tasked with identifying and managing risks within their organization must be cognizant of any changes to data and address them in a timely fashion. In high stakes risk management, such as in the financial industry – where one mistake can have a rippling effect on the economy as a whole – there is very little room for error.

Risk assessors are constantly looking to implement innovative software solutions to present themselves with a better view of pertinent data. This can be done with the help of a custom database software solution, which can collect pertinent information and store it in a way that is easy to access from a multitude of devices.

Risk management benefited by innovation in the insurance industry

An article in the online publication Business Insurance talks about the innovative measures being taken in the risk management field. Insurance companies are benefiting from technological advancements and are using new tools and systems to provide a better service to their clients.

Kathy Burns is a provider of technical solutions for insurance companies. She told the news source that while risk managers are starting to find better ways to collect data, they are becoming increasingly interested in how they can use their collected information.

“Historically, risk mangers have thought more about technology to help them with the efficiency of their processes,” she said. “Now that the process-oriented tools are more firmly in place, they want to spend more time evaluating and understanding data that they can use to drive down their total cost of risk. It’s becoming more about what you can do with data.”

A database developed in FileMaker can give risk assessors an accurate view of their data and custom developed software can provide them with the tools needed to harness that information for their advantage.

Why custom database software can assist business mergers

On paper, mergers and acquisitions are excellent business opportunities. The acquiring organization is able to obtain a new list of customers, diversify its offerings and, at times, market to new demographics. However, doing so isn’t easy, particularly if it involves departmental consolidation and the shuffling of personnel. Oftentimes, custom application development may be needed in order to create a system capable of managing congregated data.

Data is a key component of business operations. When companies come together, two completely different data sets must be merged, which can present a number of complications pertaining to duplicate, or even worse, lost information. It takes skilled professionals and quality business systems to manage acquisitions properly.

Take, for example, Google’s acquisition of Motorola, which was confirmed this past summer. On paper, this is a great move for the search giant turned tech provider because it allows Google to develop its own mobile devices the way Apple has.David Balto, a former FTC antitrust official and senior fellow at the Center for American Progress, told the Associated Press that the move should only benefit Google’s position in the mobile technology market.

“If anything, antitrust regulators may see the deal as a boost to competition,” Balto said. “Android is such a crucial competitor to the iPhone in particular, that allowing Google to buy Motorola Mobility will likely produce even more innovation in smartphones and other devices.”

However, the move could be extremely risky because there is a significant risk of data being mismanaged – whether it is duplicated or lost – during the process. Should Google lose pertinent information, the cost to the organization could wipe out any financial benefit of such a merger. Business ventures must be managed with pristine efficiency. In these cases, a FileMaker-based database software system is ideal, because it lets organizations control their information and consolidate it to its simplest format.

FileMaker Developer

For many businesses, organizations and institutions, custom application development can go a long way towards increasing productivity, improving management systems and streamlining database processes. Many have relied on FileMaker, a sturdy and reliable provider of database software and solutions.

Though FileMaker is often a favorite choice among consumers for its functionality and interface, it’s not much use to inexperienced users without the proper development and customization. For that reason, most require the help of a FileMaker developer to implement the software into their current systems.

For years, KyoLogic has been a leading provider of FileMaker development and consultation. The company’s decades of experience in creating database software, coupled with their certifications and partnerships with FileMaker, make it an obvious choice for businesses in need of a capable FileMaker developer.

FileMaker developers must understand nuances of clients, software

When companies work with a FileMaker developer, they have to communicate their requirements and hardware capabilities effectively to ensure that the database software they are buying is suitable for their needs. However, a lot can be lost in translation when working with a less experienced or adept FileMaker developer.

Colleges and universities, for instance, may want separate database software that can handle complex course registration duties, staff administration and student population data. Each database may call for starkly different demands and requirements, but without the background in applications development, clients may find it a challenge to communicate these points.

In addition, those same colleges and universities may not understand what it takes to upgrade their database from an older system to FileMaker software. In instances like this, it can be valuable to have a FileMaker consultant on hand to explain the process and work with clients on a one-to-one level during the developmental stage.

Experienced consultation and development a step towards database solutions

FileMaker software has been able to help a number of organizations manage their database applications more efficiently. In fact, on its website, the software company describes the case of one major university that decreased its online class enrollment process from 75 minutes to 30 seconds by adopting FileMaker software.

At the same time, the transition process can be simplified with the right FileMaker developer on hand to handle coordination and implementation. The best Filemaker consultants and developers help clients organize a project plan, maintain constant communication to guarantee satisfaction and rely on statistical metrics and analysis to ensure success.

Not all FileMaker developers take this approach, but it’s one embraced by the experts at Kyo Logic. This effective strategy distinguishes Kyo Logic from other software developing companies, particularly in its implementation of FileMaker software.

Superior credentials, experience separate Kyo Logic from competition

Kyo Logic’s solution-focused approach to custom application development helps clients meet challenges with data security and accuracy, network health and software relevancy. To help clients achieve their goals and solve these problems, Kyo Logic relies on its fount of industry experience and knowledge.

Kyo Logic has been a leading presence in the FileMaker community, particularly in New York in Connecticut. Kyo Logic principals have helped spread awareness and education regarding this software in these areas, but the company’s intimate understanding of this software is what helped it achieve membership in the exclusive FileMaker Business Alliance.

Kyo Logic experts have also achieved certification in a number of FileMaker applications, which assures clients that the developers and consultants they are working with understand the intricacies of this software. With a Kyo Logic FileMaker developer at their side, companies can enjoy a fruitful custom application development experience and obtain the database they need to increase workplace productivity and functionality.

Database Software

Reliable database software can provide a firm foundation for any organization’s data operations. Companies, nonprofits and groups across all sectors and areas of business rely on software solutions to help keep track of important data, whether it’s a school that must collect its students’ personal information or a business that is required to track vital financial data.

These clients can turn to any one of a number of software developing companies to implement their database software. However, it’s important to work with a developer that understands the client’s individual needs and concerns, as well as the demands and intricacies of the software being used.

Custom application development can be a rewarding endeavor when working with qualified software developing companies, but not all can promise the best service and experience. With a collection of developers and consultants certified to work with the industry’s top database software, Kyo Logic can provide the knowledge and solutions clients require to get their database up and running.

Understanding custom application development

Most organizations or companies can identify the value of database software without much trouble, and many turn to software developing companies after pointing out a simple problem. For instance, a small business might realize it needs a better way to track and record inventory, or a company’s accounting department may desire a more organized way of conducting billing processes.

It’s when these individuals try to conceptualize solutions that the process becomes more difficult. Some may have trouble verbalizing their current capabilities, while others might simply be unsure of the best way to go about buying and implementing database software.

When working with a software developing company that has experience both in consulting and development, clients enjoy the benefits of a one-to-one collaboration with experts that can introduce them to the best database software solutions and help put those strategies into place.

A solutions-oriented approach to developing database software

Customers that seek new database software may have a single problem they wish to fix – increased user acceptance or a reduced error rate, for example – but custom application development should also look to provide a wholesale solution to customers’ database needs.

At Kyo Logic, consultants and developers seek to connect clients with database software that will improve accuracy, network health, security and functional challenges. By taking this approach, Kyo Logic is able to provide customers with a more comprehensive solution to their database software needs, solving their immediate concerns while building the foundations for future success.

Clients remained informed at every step of the process, so that they can be sure that their custom application development is proceeding exactly the way they wish.

Kyo Logic’s industry-leading consultancy and development

Aside from a proven approach to successful database software developing, Kyo Logic provides its customers with a number of advantages when compared to the services of other software developing companies.

Kyo Logic is an established leader in prominent development communities, including the FileMaker Business Alliance and TechNet. In addition, all Kyo Logic experts are certified in the latest version of FileMaker, with many holding credentials for past versions of the software as well. With a collection of FileMaker developers and FileMaker consultants on staff, Kyo Logic can offer clients support for this leading software.

Whether they require business productivity solutions, custom application development or other database assistance, companies and organizations can rely on Kyo Logic. With a specialization in customer-facing extranets and the ability to analyze information flows and integrate internal and external systems to maximize efficiency, Kyo Logic’s experts are prepared to help any client increase productivity and drive value for their own customers and stakeholders.

Enhance information security with FileMaker-based database software

Information security has become an increasingly pressing issue as business processes designed to promote operational flexibility have put data at risk.

Innovation in the business technology field has yielded positive results in the way of building efficiency and improving productivity. New strategies such as bring-your-own-device (BYOD) are changing the way a number of companies operate, as it’s easier to access data, share it and communicate, particularly on the go. However, such changes have generated a heightened sense of concern regarding the safety of sensitive information.

Earlier this week, a proposal was submitted to Washington that would boost the security of network infrastructures across the U.S. private sector. Hackers have evolved concurrently with technology, so it’s up to the companies themselves to stay ahead of the cyber criminals.

Michael Manchisi, group executive of MasterCard Worldwide’s global processing business, spoke with the government blog The Hill about the importance of protecting shared data.

“The private companies want to be sure if they’re sharing this information and acting in good faith that they want to be protected,” Manchisi said.

In the meantime, companies can bolster their database software to not only enhance sharing efficiency but protect the safety of shared information. By initiating custom application development on a FileMaker platform, businesses can build solutions that will help maintain data security even as it is shared between various machines, systems and users.

For example, a system designed to share customer data and process payments from a multitude of devices is ideal for productivity, but any action that puts that information at risk is not only bad business, it could violate a number or regulations pertaining to customer security. Developing a system to protect that information will allow businesses to operate carefully without compromising efficiency.