12/7/2022 – This month, we will be discussing how to set up a Linux Server for FileMaker and what options are out there for Cloud Hosting. As always, please feel free to come with any topics that you would like to discuss or present.
12/7/2022 – This month, we will be discussing how to set up a Linux Server for FileMaker and what options are out there for Cloud Hosting. As always, please feel free to come with any topics that you would like to discuss or present.
1/19/2022 – This month Jeremy Brown of Integrating Magic will be presenting on JavaScript integration with FileMaker.
12/14/2021 – This month Robert Naud will be presenting on FM-HAM, a free security module published by Charles Delfs.
When you are working from home, it is fairly easy to wake up, reach for your laptop and get on with your workday from bed. But do you want your bed to be your office? We would rather not. If you played sports in school, you knew that you had to prepare before every game; by having your lucky socks on, taping your strong dominant wrist or ankle, or even having a team ritual for good luck. Some of us who are gym enthusiasts also know that to prepare for a trip to the gym you had to make sure you packed the protein bars, towels, headphones, and even an extra change of clothes. But as COVID-19 sent our daily routines into havoc, we, at Kyo Logic took the opportunity to adapt to the situation and make the best of it for the team. How do we make the best of the quarantine? We plan our day with purpose and take each stride with resolution.
Why break the morning routine to jump right into action? We find that it is so vital to continue a morning routine even during these unpredictable times. While we put on the first pot of java every morning, some of us walk our dogs as it brews to take in some fresh air and if the sun is out it gives us a chance to get some fresh vitamin D. As we walk in the door, the aroma of freshly brewed coffee welcomes us back home and urges us to get the first sip to get the day going, if not coffee, a delicious cup of English Breakfast will do, too. Since commuting is no longer part of the routine, before your shift, we highly recommend extra time to enjoy an activity that can improve your mood, whether it’s your favorite hobby, exercise, a conversation with a loved one, or a nice bubble bath to do the trick. Because nothing trumps a positive mood even at 8 a.m. on a Monday morning.
How can we work around no barbers and hairstylists to help us groom the infinite hair growth? For starters, it is a challenge for women to cut their own hair, so we won’t even get into that. But if you are a man brave enough to challenge your self-grooming skills, nothing a 20-dollar hair buzzer, a mirror, and steady hand cannot fix. You might be surprised how good it turns out.
Maintaining good hygiene habits and dressing appropriately for work is a way to demonstrate to yourself and your team that you value your job as much as you did three months ago. Now, we certainly do not expect anybody to walk around the house in a three-piece suit, but a pair of kakis and a polo seems most appropriate. Combine a free haircut with decent clothes and you would be surprised how good it can make you feel once you’re working a full day’s shift from home.
Productivity is essential in the workplace, but how do we find a balance between productivity and emotional health? It is easy to get absorbed by a long task; however, those breaks you took at the office to grab a snack or another cup of joe can apply to working from home. Free up the overload of a lengthy task by reading up on the news, a topic of interest or simply kicking back for 5 minutes and enjoying your favorite song. Because reducing your daily stress can have a significant impact on how efficiently you will achieve your daily goals.
Now that many of us have cut back on take out for lunch, it is a great opportunity to implement a healthier diet. Your health is extremely dependent on your eating habits and now that your commute was cut to zero minutes, take the time to prepare healthy delicious meals by preparing them in larger quantities to reheat throughout the week. A delicious lean steak or pan seared chicken breast with sautéed kale or salad will go a long way, a turkey chili with vegetables can also pack a lot of flavor for a healthier option instead of the philly cheese steak from the deli by the office. No reason to not cheat here and there with two scoops of your favorite ice cream and homemade cookies for happy taste buds.
Many who would dedicate time at the gym after work, have been really affected by the quarantine. The opportunity to buy some workout equipment hasn’t been more convenient than now, without breaking the bank. Others prefer to go out for a run, a hike or riding a bike, all while maintaining social distance.
An absolutely valuable asset is to stay relatively active while consuming a healthy diet of lean proteins, vegetables and whole grains. Increasing your energy and improving your quality of sleep will prove that practicing these healthy habits will make a better version of yourself.
According to our Senior Developer, Christian, a fantastic strategy that helps get your day going without mental interruptions, is creating a list of any non-work-related activities you would like to accomplish during the day. He explains that coming up with that list helps him focus on the work at hand, without getting distracted by the thought of those non-work-related tasks. Knowing early in the day that you can accomplish a specific task, will organize your planner and thoughts, so that you can make the construct of time work in your favor.
Creating a list of tasks not related to work is just one tool to maintain your focus, but how do you organize your day? How do you not deviate from your work plan? At Kyo Logic, we do not only focus on our pups, coffee and haircuts. We are also implementing strategies that will help us get through the day successfully and with the least amount of stress possible. Our Lead Developer, Justin, exercises a tool that many of us use partially and subconsciously, but he puts it into perspective for us. This method is called the Pomodoro Method, and it consists of drowning out the noise while working on a task and taking short breaks without interruptions. The interruptions meaning no phone, no email, and no Slack notifications.
Before you begin a Pomodoro in your schedule, you should “visualize how a problem will be solved before starting.” Breaking will enable you to reset your ideas with a clear head and prevent any cognitive overload. A valuable aspect of the Pomodoro Method, is not allowing yourself to get into quicksand, and essentially staying ahead of your workload to enable you to determine the urgency of the task at hand and to ask yourself: “Is it realistic for me to take on more tasks at the moment?” Successful Pomodoros must be organized in order of priority and what brings the most value to your work and to the company. It may sound “easier said than done,” but with the Pomodoro Method you will find yourself completing a task and moving onto the next one in an organized uninterrupted fashion. If you would like to test your Pomodoro skills, try a tool like “http://www.tomatotimers.com/.”
Pomodoro Steps:
What happened since we went fully remote? Well, FileMaker has graced all users around the world with the ability to work with FileMaker Server and FileMaker Cloud, which provides the ability to maintain and manage all FileMaker solutions remotely. Without many setbacks, the Kyo Logic team has been able to maintain consistency in providing support for all of our clients while adjusting to the drastic changes of the quarantine.
At Kyo Logic we continue to maintain our team cohesion through daily communication amongst ourselves because we understand the work we do as a team is substantially more valuable than tackling tasks and issues individually. We also hold conversations about the foods we cooked, the independent projects and hobbies we work on outside of work, and we also enjoy bringing some spontaneity to our Zoom video meetings with the virtual background feature from Zoom. Which in case you did not know is in the video tab under the “virtual backgrounds…” option. We look forward to hearing about your Pomodoro skills and what new dishes you have cooked that have sparked fireworks for your taste buds, keep rocking and FileMaker on!
The Session Table is a utility table created for each individual instance of a user’s access to a file. It is created upon entry of the file (OnFirstsWindowOpen script trigger) and closed out upon shut down (OnLastWindowClose script trigger) of the file.
This is a sample of what a Session Table would look like in the Database Manager:
After creating the Session table, you must make sure it is connected to your files GLOBAL, SYSTEM, or UTILITY table (this table should be the table in the file that contains all global fields).
At Kyo Logic, we like to name our global table the SYSTEM Table. (We also like to use three-letter codes as part of the names of our tables to make the table occurrences in the relationship graph easier to understand). And we connect SYSTEM (SYS__Sys) to SESSION (SYS_SES__AC) through this simple relationship:
Now that we have the infrastructure in place, we need to build the script to create the Session record.
The script that we have built, “Startup,” we have running OnFirstWindowOpen.
This script first creates the user’s unique SYSTEM record and then creates their unique Session record. It then sets all of the metadata fields that you would want to acquire. Finally, it sets the user’s Session ID to a SYSTEM global field so that the file can obtain the user’s session ID at any time.
We also include the “shutDown” script OnLastWindowClose to set the logout metadata field.
And, there you go. You now have a session table that you can use to track your user access into the file and so much more!
Hi everybody, and welcome back! In part two of our two-part series, we’ll be taking a look at a few more FileMaker 14’s best features.
One of the things users love most about FileMaker 14 is how they can organize all of their solutions as they see fit. They can be moved around in the Launch Center, allowing users to instantly find what they are looking for. There are 29 pre-built icons that will help with this process.
If someone loses their network connection and the server goes down, FileMaker 14 automatically reconnects when it is available again, with no data lost.
As always, thanks for watching, and be sure to check back here again soon for more helpful FileMaker tips and the latest industry news!
Hi everybody, and welcome back! In part one of our two-part series, we’ll be taking a look at some of the best features of the FileMaker 14 platform.
When it comes to automating your new FileMaker solution, the Script Workspace does more of that work for you. Create, edit and view your scripts and calculations in one streamlined workspace, instead of them being all over the place.
Users can now operate FileMaker 14 from their mobile devices. The power of a FileMaker desktop solution is now fully available on your iPhone or iPad through FileMaker WebDirect.
As always, thanks for watching, and be sure to check back here again soon for more helpful FileMaker tips and the latest industry news, including part two of this series!
Available with FileMaker Server 14, FileMaker WebDirect is state-of-the-art web technology that instantly runs FileMaker solutions directly in a web browser, with no web programming required. How can users make this technology work for them more easily?
FileMaker WebDirect allows for desktop style interaction with your information. You can use themes, styles, charts, menus and more. You can even drag and drop content into various container fields.
Users can even get instant access to changes in data or solutions. There is no need to refresh the browser.
As always thanks for watching, and be sure to check back here again soon for more helpful FileMaker tips and the latest industry news!
Although FileMaker WebDirect is very similar to other FileMaker servers, it does not have all of the same features as FileMaker Pro. To effectively use this system, it is important to know what the benefits are.
FileMaker WebDirect allows users to access their data from most devices, whether they are traveling, or working from the office. Users can then import or export records and container data.
FileMaker WebDirect lets users deploy a custom web application by hiding and locking the menu bar and status toolbar.
As always, thanks for watching, and be sure to check back here again soon for more helpful FileMaker tips and the latest industry news!
Hey everybody and welcome back! Today we’ll be discussing how you can better use FileMaker with iOS.
One of the best aspects of FileMaker on either the iPad or iPhone is the rich texting editing option. FileMaker allows you to choose the size, color and font of the text used. Highlight the really important data with the italic, bold or underlining preferences.
You will also be able to add a script to control whether or not the keyboard appears in your solution. FileMaker lets you tap into and scroll through a field without the keyboard getting in the way.
As always thanks for watching, and be sure to check back here again soon for more helpful FileMaker tips and the latest industry news!