Official FileMaker 13 certification program announced

Many new software solutions seem like they would require individuals to receive a certification just to be able to speak intelligently about them. This is not surprising, as software systems have been evolving and require individuals to have a deeper knowledge in order for them to be successful.

This week, FileMaker announced that it has made a certification program for the FileMaker 13 Platform available immediately. This is an official credential offered through the company and is a key qualification for developing professional FileMaker solutions for iPad, iPhone, Windows, Mac and the web.

"Certification is now more important than ever," said Ryan Rosenberg, vice president of marketing and services for FileMaker, Inc. "The FileMaker Platform is expanding, and platform-based business continues to grow. Hiring organizations see certification as a clear differentiator and we have seen strong demand for the services of FileMaker certified developers both as in-house developers and as consultants."

To become certified, FileMaker developers must pass an exam that is available through the website. It tests those taking it on knowledge and skills for developing and deploying customer solutions using FileMaker 13. It can also be taken by those looking to further their careers in the industry.

There are no prerequisites for taking the exam and individuals are able to self train themselves through programs offered by FileMaker.

Companies that are FileMaker certified are able to confirm their value to customers who are looking for a helping hand when it comes to FileMaker support. This adds a level of confidence that every organization is looking for in a third party solution provider.

FAQ: Can Kyo Logic link QuickBooks and FileMaker?

Every business considering a partnership with a FileMaker developer is going to have questions. In this series we will address the frequently asked questions that our customers have about our services.

Answer: April is the month of taxes and businesses across the world will be using QuickBooks accounting software when they file their yearly report. It has been on the market since 1983.

The Inuit software has several features that helps organizations run their business. This includes remote access capabilities, remote payroll assistance and outsourcing, electronic payment functions, online banking and reconciliation. It can also be incorporated with Excel spreadsheets and additional employee tracking options. There is also an online portion and a specific point of sale solution that can be used to replace a cash register, track inventory, sales and customer information.

Because the software has become so popular, many other software solutions that are used to help manage a business need to be incorporated with it. One of these is FileMaker, and with the help of Kyo Logic, these two solutions can be paired together to improve overall operations.

There are two different ways that this can be accomplished, depending on how advanced of a solution you want to use. The first is a plug-in that provides true integration between FileMaker and QuickBooks, though this is a more advanced approach.

IIF files provide a more convenient and accurate way to get info from one system to another in a quick batch process. While, IIF files many now be fully integrated, but are simpler.

FAQ: I already know how to develop simple stuff, can Kyo Logic help with more difficult development?

Every business considering a partnership with a FileMaker developer is going to have questions. In this series we will address the frequently asked questions that our customers have about our services.

Answer: When it comes to the latest technology solutions, everyone is going to learn at their own pace. For those who consider themselves tech savvy, it can be easy to purchase a popular system like FileMaker, read the basics, play with it and get a good handle on what it is capable of.

Through hands-on trial and error it is possible to take a new piece of software and develop some simple solutions that can be used to help improve overall business operations. While this is a great way to start, many organizations are not tapping into the full potential of their software.

While it is possible to find YouTube walkthroughs or take a class on a particular piece of software, it can be difficult to turn these broad overviews of the software into something that will help your specific business as well as fill in the knowledge gaps that you have without wasting time on processes that you already know how to do.

At Kyo Logic, we offer one-to-one coaching and learning that is supported by development. Instead of trying to learn in a group setting using random data, we use your own work, which is the most targeted way to learn FileMaker. This process is far more effective than generalized class and is economical for those that are on a budget.

How FileMaker helped Batman fight the Joker

If I were to tell you that recent movies like "Skyfall," "Gravity" and "The Dark Knight" were successful because of the special effects that were used on them, you would not be surprised. However, if I told you that FileMaker played a major role in this, that might.

According to a recent article from CBR, London-based Framestore was the company behind the visual effects of these movies and many more. They employ over 600 artists, computer scientists and developers. However, keeping everyone on the same page when you are dealing with single frames of a multi-million dollar movie can be extremely difficult.

This is where FileMaker came into play. According to Alex Jackson, a software developer at the company, on every movie shoot there are piles of data produced including camera shots, lens height and color space. With FileMaker, the company is able to use the rapid development platform to allow staff to initiate and make changes to projects quicker, saving the company thousands of dollars in the process.

"The fact that many film and TV production companies use FileMaker means data shared with and from clients is often in this format, making projects seamless," Jackson said. "The flexibility provided by FileMaker is also vital for us to effectively manage constantly evolving projects and allows hundreds of people from inside and outside our business access to the data."

This means the visual effects artist can access things that are shot that day on a smart device or desktop, make suggestions if a reshooting is needed to improve an effect and those can be put to film almost immediately.

This is just one real world example of how a FileMaker developer can help a company save money and improve operations.

FAQ: Can Kyo Logic Upgrade me from version X to Y in FileMaker?

Every business considering a partnership with a FileMaker developer is going to have questions. In this series we will address the frequently asked questions that our customers have about our services.

Answer: One of the most important things for every software solution is keeping it upgraded. While it may seem easy to stay with a solution that has been effective in the past, newer versions of software are often evolved, bring new features and are more secure.

The downfall of not upgrading has been a major topic in the tech world and has been front and center in 2014 because of the Microsoft operating system Windows XP. For 13 years it has been an effective piece of software running computer systems, point of sale terminals and even ATMs. However, this year the company announced that it will no longer be issuing security and support upgrades for XP.

This is because Microsoft has already released several new versions of its core operating system and continuing to support an outdated version, even is some users prefer it, is no longer cost effective. The April deadline has come and gone, leaving some users struggling to catch up.

FileMaker is no different. New versions of the software are being designed to take advantage of the latest technologies like mobile devices, the cloud and web-access. Many of these features have been updated in last years FileMaker 13 upgrade.

If your company is looking to upgrade, Kyo Logic can help. We are experienced in this process, completing more than 100 upgrades for our customers. Not only can we help with the easy move from FileMaker 11 to 13 but also the more complicated two stage process of moving from FileMaker 6 to 13. We also can provide a short white paper outlining the steps that will need to be taken.

FAQ: What cloud services does Kyo Logic offer?

Every business considering a partnership with a FileMaker developer is going to have questions. In this series we will address the frequently asked questions that our customers have about our services.

Answer: In today's business technology landscape, the cloud has become one of the most in demand services that is currently available. By using it as part of a company's infrastructure, organizations allow their employees to access data remotely. This trend has also been boosted by the rise in popularity of mobile devices, which thrive in a cloud-based solution.

Because of this, many organizations are looking to add this element to multiple aspects of their business and databases are no exception.

At Kyo Logic, we understand the importance of the cloud and offer FileMaker hosting and separately, Website and email hosting services. However, the benefits don't stop at just offering the cloud as we also maintain the servers and monitor their logs daily. This allows us to ensure that they remain active and efficient, as well as making sure any potential problems are caught earlier on and rectified before they grow.

By using this kind of approach, businesses are able to have users simultaneously access data from both the mobile and desktop platforms. Developers are also able to access the database if support is needed.

At Kyo Logic, our cloud  services are reliable and high speed. Our system is faster than can be achieved by hosting a cloud from a typical office. Our rack space is also secure and redundant, ensuring information is safe and backed-up.

Kyo Logic to present at the 2014 CQFD in May

In early May, Montreal will host the fourth annual Conference of Quebec Developers for FileMaker (CQFD). There will be multiple sessions over a two-day period that will focus on a number of FileMaker related topics including mobile, best practices, the Web and data modeling. Both novices and experts of the industry will be in attendance to learn the latest about the popular database software.

Not only will Kyo Logic be in attendance at the conference, but President and co-founder John Mathewson will be running of the sessions called "Building Applications on a Budget with Reusable Code." This is a topic that we have been highlighting over the last couple of months. In September, it was the topic of a webinar and is a point that has been discussed in several small group presentation.

Over the course of 60 minutes, Mathewson will discuss how to design applications on a budget, specifically focusing on deploying reusable code to the development process to improve efficiency and create a higher return on investment. This includes gathering system requirements to turn them into actionable code, defining what users really want, designing around workflow and using patterns to make the code reusable and modular.

He will also touch on topics including FileMaker anchor buoy and naming conventions and functions promoting reuse, as well as reusable navigation, sort, tab switching and referential integrity scripts.

If you are attending this year's CQFD, we encourage you to come out to the session and learn something new about FileMaker development.

  • Previsionary Title: Building Applications on a Budget with Reusable Code
  • Format :  60-minute session (Q&A included)
  • Date & Time (Subject to change): Friday May 2, 2014 at 11:30 a.m.
  • Location: TBD

FAQ: Does Kyo Logic perform server maintenance for FileMaker?

Every business considering a partnership with a FileMaker developer is going to have questions. In this series we will address the frequently asked questions that our customers have about our services. 

Answer: When creating a new database on the FileMaker platform or any other, one of the keys to success is maintaining the servers that information is processed on. This is needed to not only ensure that data stored on them remains secure at all times, but also to head any potential problems off at the pass.

When your company partners with Kyo Logic to help create a new database, we take full responsibility when it comes to the FileMaker server machine. This takes the pressure off of your company to handle several solutions and instead focus on the data that is being created to improve how your company operates.

Kyo Logic will stay on top of installing all patches and updates to the operating system, FileMaker Servers and add any plug-ins that are released.

We run consistent reviews that can be used to adjust user permissions and examine the server logs for any sign of trouble. This keeps the systems ahead of any potential issues that could cause downtime for your business.

Kyo Logic also verifies to ensure that the backups are running correctly at all times and that there is enough disk space available to house all of the data that is being collected.

All of this information about the server's performance will be provided in a verbal report and checklist to the client to make sure that everyone is on the same page.

FileMaker Go on list of top mobile apps for businesses

If you were to create a tool kit for any entrepreneur of the must-have gadgets to start their business with, the iPad would certainly be included. The device has made it possible for companies to effectively integrate a mobile element to their business.

Now, with the right applications, the mobile device can become nearly any tool that an organization could need. Plug in a Square credit card reader and it's a POS system. Sales people in the field can enter customer information or access critical data to help meet customer demand. It is also possible to run HR, manufacturing projects and countless other business tasks from the palm of your hand.

However, it can be difficult for small and midsized businesses to decide which apps they truly need if they are getting into the mobile landscape for the first time. Last month, NetworkWorld created a list of seven free iPad applications that businesses should download. Topping it was FileMaker Go.

"If you're a FileMaker Pro user on your PC or laptop, FileMaker Go lets you access these database apps from your iPad (note: the PC version is still needed to create, modify and sync your databases)," the post reads. "Version 12 in 2013 was a big change: lots of new features and controls, improved multimedia capabilities, multitasking support, greatly improved speed, and available free for the first time."

Businesses that are new to these systems can partner with a FileMaker solution provider to develop a plan, learn the software and start reaping their benefits.

How Berklee College of Music embraced the iPad thanks to FileMaker Go

Many organizations need to create a comprehensive database and certain tools are more popular than others.

A recent article from CITEworld profiled Berklee College of Music in Boston and features an interview with Damien Bracken, the dean of admissions. He mentioned that every year there are roughly 7,200 applicants and to figure out who is the most qualified talent, team admission staff must travel the globe to 120 sites to interview talent and evaluate not only talent but also potential.

To keep all this information updated, secure and streamlined, Berklee employees were required to carry laptops to enter all of this data when it was fresh. The organization was finally able to ditch the heavy computers on 2012 in favor of iPads because FileMaker – the database software the school has been using for over 20 years – released a mobile platform.

This allowed the officials to stay within a single application ecosystem. Now, all 30 members of the school's recruiting team carry the tablet and use the cloud-based software to take notes and upload them to the department from the road.

"Prior to FileMaker Go, which was designed for the iPad, we used some other products but they weren't up to par," Bracken said. "We needed something at a very professional level. As soon as this application came out it was like the sea parting for me, seriously. Having that available on a mobile device is huge for us."

He added that by using this kind of approach, it gives students the feeling that the school has all its ducks in a row when it comes to data.

This is one example for how a FileMaker solution can revolutionize how a business operates.