3 tips for securing capital for your tech startup

If you are looking to get investments to lift your company off the ground, there are different aspects you will need to keep in mind. Here are a few tips that will help you secure capital for your tech startup:

  • Be clear about financial needs: When you are making your pitch to potential investors, it is crucial that you are completely upfront about the financial needs of your company. If you have a plan laid out and you advocate your needs in order to expand your company, venture capitalists will feel more confident investing in your tech startup.
  • Build a strong case for investors: Of course, when speaking to investors, it is essential that you have a detailed description of what your company actually does. You do not, however, want to get bogged down in too much technical jargon, as this can have the effect of alienating those who might not be as well-informed as those within your startup.
  • Have business-savvy partners: Your tech startup will need more than just people who are good at programming or creating new applications. This means having partners who are able to communicate with venture capitalists in a meaningful way. As long as you have employees who can do this, you will be in strong shape for forming lasting business bonds.

If you have your own tech startup and are in need of new custom database software, be sure to contact Kyo Logic today! Check out the rest of our website to learn more about the different services and products that we offer to our clients.

How can you take your tech startup to the next level?

Spreading positive word of mouth about your tech startup is one of the most essential parts of your overall success. Here are a few tips that will help you expand the client base necessary for your company to thrive:

  • Highlight existing problems: The product or service that you create should exist to address a certain problem that exists out in the world. What hole are you looking to plug up with your company? As long as your tech startup is striving to meet a specific goal, it will help keep every aspect of the business focused and as on task as possible.
  • Identify your customer base: Of course, chances are that when your company is first starting out it will not address something felt by everybody. While it is a good idea to strive for universality, having a strong customer base will help your business to expand at a healthy rate. Identify the group you can work with the most and start there.
  • Market your company toward them: When you are developing your tech startup's marketing strategy, you will want to tailor it to the specific group of people that you are trying to reach. If your main client base is younger people, for example, reaching them through digital media ads will be more effective than traditional spots on television.

If you have your own tech startup and are in need of new custom database software, be sure to contact Kyo Logic today! Check out the rest of our website to learn more about the different services and products that we offer to our clients.

3 tips for launching your tech startup

If you are launching a tech startup, you will want to do everything possible to ensure its overall success. By planning ahead and working diligently, you can avoid the common pitfalls that can sink new companies. Here are a few tips that will help you successfully launch:

  • Grow steadily and cautiously: When you are first launching your company, you want to make sure that you expand cautiously to avoid overextending yourself. A vast majority of startups fail within the first year of being launched, so pulling back on your spending and plans to expand can help ensure your long term success.
  • Focus on one specific area: Instead of trying to conquer multiple areas of the tech world all at once, you should focus on one product or service at the very beginning. This will build the word of mouth for your business and ensure that the quality you offer is superior.
  • Work with people you trust: While you are launching your tech startup, you should surround yourself with people you respect and can trust. If your company is populated with people you do not get along with, this can harm morale right off the bat, not to mention make it more difficult to get the work done in a timely manner.

If you have your own tech startup and are in need of new custom database software, be sure to contact Kyo Logic today! Check out the rest of our website to learn more about the different services and products that we offer to our clients.

How to effectively use FileMaker [Video]

Hey everybody and welcome back! This time we’ll be discussing how you can more effectively use FileMaker while at work.

One of the greatest features of FileMaker 14 is the “Reconnect to Server” option. You might not even be aware of its existence, as it is buried at the bottom of the What’s New page. This will allow you to walk away from your computer with the files still open without risk of losing the information you have entered.

The Script Workspace feature has also been cleaned up since the last version of FileMaker, so now writing and assembling scripts is a streamlined process. You can do more with the keyboard without having to reach for the mouse.

As always thanks for watching, and be sure to check back here again soon for more helpful FileMaker tips and the latest industry news!

3 ways to help build buzz for your tech startup

One of important aspect of getting your tech startup off the ground is pitching it to investors, the press and potential customers. Here are a few easy tips that will help you pitch your tech startup and build buzz for the company:

  • Don't focus too heavily on numbers: When you are building your pitch, you do not want to get too bogged down in the day-to-day numbers. People are often interested in human experiences and tangible results and not just the bottom line. Numbers and figures should be left to the investors.
  • Get to the point as quickly as possible: You also want to make sure that you get to the main point of your pitch sooner rather than later. If you focus too heavily on the build up, people in the audience will quickly begin to lose interest. Get to the meat of your pitch at the beginning and really capture everybody's attention.
  • Keep the narrative arc interesting: Of course, what you say will need to be of interest in order to keep the focus of the group you are speaking to. This means providing a demonstration of your product or service if possible. Your talk will only be enhanced by showing off what you have developed, even if is only a short sneak peak of something in its early stages.

If you have your own tech startup and are in need of new custom database software, be sure to contact Kyo Logic today! Check out the rest of our website to learn more about the different services and products that we offer to our clients.

3 ways to get the most out of a conference

Here are a few easy ways you can improve and maximize your startup conference experience:

  • Evaluate other startups: The great thing about these conferences is they give you an opportunity to learn more about other companies in your field and see what they are developing. You can see how your own tech startup stacks up, which can highlight any improvements or changes that need to be made, as well as what you are already doing well.
  • Face to face meetings: It can often be hard to meet with in person with other people in the tech world, as a lot of business is done through email or over the phone. These meetings will put a face to the name and allow you to develop more of a relationship with contacts and clients. These opportunities do not come up every day, so it is crucial to take advantage of them when they do present themselves.
  • Show off your product: If your tech startup has a specific product or service that you are eager to show off, a conference is a great place to do so. Even if what you are developing is in the early stages, you can give potential clients and customers a sneak preview of what you are planning on rolling out down the line. This can help to build buzz and press for your company, which will be important to its long term success.

If you have your own tech startup and are in need of new custom database software, be sure to contact Kyo Logic today! Check out the rest of our website to learn more about the different services and products that we offer to our clients.

Boston has the second most woman-founded startups

According to a recent report from Compass, a global software maker, Boston, Massachusetts is ranked second in the entire world in terms of the number of startups founded by women. The East Coast city trailed only Chicago, Illinois, topping a list that includes major cities from around the world.

The report, the 2015 Global Startup Ecosystem Ranking, found that 29 percent of all startups created in the city of Boston were founded by women, a full 9 percent above the international average. The city lost to Chicago by a single percentage point, showing how quickly the business hub in Boston is progressing.

Eveline Buchatsky, Director of Techstars Boston, a startup accelerator company, told Boston.com that she credits this success to the female talent pool that is coming from both Harvard and MIT. The schools are preparing students to make an impression on the business world, particularly tech, in Boston and beyond.

"These feed the rest of the chain with good raw material that includes a lot of women," Buchatsky told the website.

Boston is home to a number of prominent female tech and business investors, including those behind CommonAngels, Boston Seed and ZipCar. The top five cities with female-founded startups included others from the United States, such as San Francisco, at 24 percent, and Los Angeles at 22 percent. Next on the list was Montreal, which was just barely edged out by LA.

If you have your own tech startup and are in need of new custom database software, be sure to contact Kyo Logic today! Check out the rest of our website to learn more about the different services and products that we offer to our clients.

Run FileMaker throughout your business [Video]

Hey everybody and welcome back! This time we’ll be discussing a new deal FileMaker is running that will allow users to more effectively and affordably run FileMaker throughout their businesses.

From now until September 24, FileMaker is offering customers what it is calling the “Boost Your Business Kit”. This includes everything you could possibly need to create and run solutions on FileMaker through your technology, including your Macbook, iPhone, or Windows system.

Offering a 40 percent savings on the first year price, this offer from FileMaker includes 1 FileMaker 14 Server, 5 Concurrent Connections and 5 FileMaker Pro 14 at no additional cost. This deal is limited to one offer per organization.

As always thanks for watching, and be sure to check back here again soon for more helpful FileMaker tips and the latest industry news!

FileMaker Master Class, September 23-25

From September 23-25 of this year, Kyo Logic will be hosting a FileMaker Master Class. We are proud to be co-sponsors of the event, along with Dr. Ray Cologon at Nightwing Enterprises. This event is perfect for people who are already familiar with the FileMaker system but are looking to sharpen and hone their abilities.

The FileMaker Master Class is specifically geared toward people who are well acquainted with the full feature set of the FileMaker platform and have past experience developing and deploying complex solutions using the the system. The class is also for those who wish to enhance their knowledge, skill and understanding while taking their development work to the next level.

Kyo Logic's FileMaker Master Class will cover a whole range of topics, including:

  • Advanced design solution
  • FileMaker application models for data and structure
  • Advanced scripting techniques
  • Process control
  • FileMaker calculation engine
  • Code logic
  • Designing solutions for scalability
  • Advanced development techniques
  • Quality assurance using FileMaker

After attending and completing the 2015 FileMaker Master Class, you will be able to apply a range of development techniques, enhance the flexibility and performance of your solutions and understand the deeper nuances and complexities of advanced FileMaker development and usage.

Attendees will also have the skills necessary to choose the most effective framework for their solutions, as well as the techniques to further advance the complicated development practice. The FileMaker Master Class is for those who are already relatively skilled at these solutions and is meant to allow people the opportunity to engage with and complete more complex work.

If you are interested in attending the FileMaker Master Class, or want to learn more about the services Kyo Logic offers, be sure to take a look at the rest of our website!

What are the world’s leading tech startup cities?

Silicon Valley and the San Francisco Bay Area have long dominated the startup market of not only the United States, but also the entire world. This is especially true of the tech sector, with worldwide leaders such as Google, Apple, Facebook and Twitter calling these cities home since their creation.

According to a new report from Compass, the 2015 edition of the Startup Genome Project, there are new rankings for cities who are starting to own bigger and bigger pieces of the tech startup industry. The report gathered individual information from 11,000 global startup companies as well as interviews with more than 200 worldwide entrepreneurs.

Silicon Valley dominated the tech startup industry, as it has in every iteration of this report since 2012. The rest of the top five are New York City, Los Angeles, Boston, Tel Aviv and London. What is interesting to note is how different cities are moving up and down the list, as well as some not quite meeting expectations of experts in the tech industry.

New York City was in fifth place back in 2012, and has since risen. Many have interpreted Boston in fourth place as something of a surprise, as experts predicted that the city's Route 128 high-tech cluster would bring the city to at least second place on the global list.

United States cities account for six of the top 10 cities across the globe, with seven cracking the top 20.

If you have your own tech startup and are in need of new custom database software, be sure to contact Kyo Logic today! Check out the rest of our website to learn more about the different services and products that we offer to our clients.