What your company can learn about Big Data from a children’s comic strip

You’d be hard-pressed to find a better motto for Calvin and Hobbes than “there’s treasure everywhere.” Bill Watterson, the strip’s artist, thought it fit so well that he even used it as the title for one of the comic’s collections. The eponymous line is spoken when Calvin, after digging in the yard for hours and finding nothing more than rocks, a weird root and some grubs, happily shows off his bounty.

This same sense of optimism can and should guide your company’s forays into the world of Big Data.

Large-scale projects are popping up that are designed to cull billions of interactions and speak to the greater human experience. However, that doesn’t mean that there isn’t a lot of value in smaller projects that you can do without a huge expenditure on infrastructure. With a small amount of FileMaker development, your business can begin getting valuable insights without needing to add an entirely new department to analyze it.

A recent article in Ad Age spoke to just how many insights can be yielded when you just start looking.

“There really is data everywhere that you can tap into right now that will help you understand how customers, suppliers and others view you, your company and your products,” writes author Jim Louderback.

Finding out more about your potential consumer base and how you can best serve them doesn’t have to be an endeavor that bankrupts you. Instead, you can grab a copy of FileMaker, roll up your sleeves and start digging in your own backyard. There could very well be buried treasure cleverly disguised as old rocks.

New developments in Big Data

Today, more and more businesses are relying on Big Data to either keep pace with or gain an advantage on their competitors. Companies are better understanding the value that a CT FileMaker developer can add to their brand, between better understanding of their customer base and a better awareness of how they can best serve them. Now that these ideas are more mainstream, the next iteration of these principles will feature several exciting improvements. 

One facet to see growth will be in speed. It almost seems impossible that information could get any faster, but that's exactly what's happening. Companies like Hadoop and Apache Spark are releasing software that promises memory processing that will happen almost in real time, an astounding upgrade that will no doubt have impressive implications. For example, businesses that employ sensors (like weather applications) can receive up to millions of individual "events" per second. Being able to parse that data more quickly will lead to better analysis and more streamlined results. 

Not only will information be more swift, it will be of better quality. Data collection has already far surpassed the human capacity to manage it manually, so it's processed based on rules defined by programmers ahead of time. In general, this allows for decision making to be done at a higher level than ever possible. However, a small piece of erroneous data can wind up having a relatively large effect. Improving the information gathering process and quickly expurgating bad data points will have an exponential effects on the overall quality of the analysis.

This improvement will also lead to new possible applications. Various industries have already seen the value of Big Data, and as it becomes more reliable and widespread, that number will only increase. The help of FileMaker consultants means that now even small businesses can harness this power without requiring specialized infrastructure or data scientists. The democratization of Big Data could also lead to breakthroughs: the more people have access to a strategy, the more people will be able to improve it. 

As we head into the new year, the future of analytics is bright, indeed. Not only will these new applications make those businesses function better, they could also have a positive effect on health care, diet, food and entertainment. 

The role of intuition in Big Data

There's a misconception that analytics and intuition are inherently at odds. That once you've hired a Connecticut FileMaker developer and invested in the attendant software, there's no longer a place for the sort of shrewd decision-making that comes with first-hand experience. In fact, this couldn't be further from the truth: using Big Data can support and confirm intuition, and allow you to pursue the hypothetical to a degree that would otherwise not be possible. 

One of the most obvious uses for this sort of naturalistic insight is in choosing the right subject in which to apply analytics. You can't get data on everything, so deciding where the software would be best applied requires a keen understanding of the nuances of your company. 

One salient example of this wisdom is the Caesar's chain of casinos. CEO Gary Loveman noted that there was low customer loyalty across his properties and that the customer service experience could be improved. This tactic hadn't been attempted in the gaming industry, but Loveman had a hunch that it could be a valuable piece in the revenue puzzle. 

But he didn't stop there. Instead, he invested in long-term analytics projects that sought to parse out exactly where the "service profit chain" could be strengthened. Loveman also understood the importance of orienting and guiding your information processes, which is why he insists on a ROI calculation for these sorts of projects. If you don't know how to use it properly, all the data in the world is for naught.

In the end, FileMaker is a tool. It's an incredibly valuable and powerful one, to be sure, but it requires the right craftsman to get the best out of it. 

How to sell your company on Big Data

Having a working knowledge of analytics is quickly shifting from "quirky ancillary benefit" to "business essential." For some new industries, using Big Data principles is second nature. However, especially if you work in an older or more entrenched field, your company might be resistant to these changes, and may take some convincing. Here's how you can speed up that process.

Using the right terminology is key. While IT jargon might come as second nature to you, inundating the conversation with unfamiliar phrases is likelier to yield glazed-over faces than nods of agreement. Business terms can go a long way towards helping you explain your case, and it's hard to go wrong with everyday language. Instead of discussing the "volume acceleration of corporate data availability," try pointing out that your competitors know more about your customers than you do, and that's hard to beat.

Once you've figured out the language, build your case. You don't have to address every single problem that your company has — in fact, highlighting a concrete issue that can be solved through use of analytics can go much further than positing it as a panacea. For example, say you have a problem with customer retention: people are coming through and buying things, but they're not coming back frequently enough. You can sell Big Data as a way to identify exactly where you're losing the consumer so that you can patch up those gaps and increase revenue.

Finally, make sure you point out how simple it can be to implement. Once you know how to use FileMaker, it's easy to create databases and sift through data quickly, and the results can really boost your business.

Three Big Data risks, and how to avoid them

Any company that isn't at least considering the use of Big Data puts itself in danger of falling behind the competition. It's hard to keep up if you're working with far less information than others in your industry, so keeping abreast of current trends is virtually imperative. If and when you do dive into the world of custom database software, it's important to be aware of the risks. Here are three of the big ones — and how you can navigate around them. 

1.) Dexterity loss

If you have multiple levels to your company, data has to scale to fit all of them.  In order for management to make accurate decisions, it needs to have immediate access to the information. At the same time, others in the organization need to be able to see relevant data as well, so that they can implement any changes made. Getting it from one branch of your business to another can cost valuable time.

To avoid this pitfall, carefully consider structure before you implement any sort of database. A mobile platform like FileMaker can help easily sync findings across devices, so it's just as easy to access from a worksite as it is behind a desk.

2.) Financial loss

There's not question about it, Big Data takes some initial capital. If not used properly, all the money used to set up the programs will largely be wasted. A company that isn't on the same page runs the risk of not fully investing in the principles, and not getting the most out of the entire process.

That's why it's so crucial to have a game plan before you begin spending money. FileMaker consultants can help make sure you get the most out of your software, and provide a course of action that sets your company up for success.

3.) Security Loss

The more data you're using, the more data is available to be hacked or otherwise compromised. Especially if you're in an industry, like healthcare, where information can be sensitive or proprietary, if not carefully guarded, there is an inherent risk of a security breach.

So, it's critical to know the rules of your industry before you begin collecting data points about your customers. Carefully research any laws or statutes, and consider investing in insurance to minimize your liability. Limit access to software to those that require access, and transparently disclose what data you collect, and what you use it for. 

Predictions for the future of Big Data in 2014

Not only is Big Data growing, it's flourishing. 

That's the implication behind predictions released by IDC and the International Institute of Analytics (IIA), networks of industry experts who work to track developments and project future changes. The former projected that the market for Big Data will climb over $16 billion next year, a growth rate 6 times that of the overall IT market. This increase will be spread out between services (like FileMaker support), software and infrastructure. 

For the IIA, the future of the industry is in value. Now that it has the ability to bring together all of this new information, companies will want to focus on demonstrable advantages. This could lead to changes in business practices, creating process that better make use of these new technological opportunities. The institute also noted that there was something of a lack of talent when it comes to high level analytical ability, which led them to make further predictions about how businesses will get the most value. 

One projection is that managers would focus on developing their internal capacities to handle information, as well as setting in place processes to increase cooperation across departments. Companies that are unable to scale might then look to outside help, where "ready-made analytics" services can help otherwise lagging businesses get the advantages of Big Data.

A related prediction from IDC is that investors will focus on applications. One example is the healthcare industry, which has been making overtures towards using Big Data for some time, and appears poised for an information revolution of sorts. 

Whether or not these specific predictions come true, one thing seems clear: Big Data is the future, and it's not going anywhere. 

Visualize your FileMaker data for best effect

Getting involved with large-scale analytics is an important first step. Working with a FileMaker developer to design a way to collect, sift and categorize your data can pay immediate dividends. If you want to take your analysis to the next level, though, it might be time to think about visualizing.

Simply put, "visualizing data" takes the information you have and organizes it into in image to highlight particular trends. It isn't meant to supplant spreadsheets, but rather to enhance them. This process creates an ease of communication that facilitates cooperation, and can turn a meeting from a slow process of poring over numbers, to an efficient exchange of big ideas. A trend that might not stand out when it's amid other numbers on a screen could suddenly become obvious when displayed in another format. 

You can even adjust it so that the image updates in real-time. Using color and design, these snapshots can tell a high-level story about your data, which the information itself can then elaborate on. If, for example, you are trying to sell a potential client on the efficacy of your product, a graphic representation might be more visually arresting. Once you've created that interest, you can use the particulars to support the narrative. 

This approach also pairs well with using a service like FileMaker. Since the software allows you to parse your information so quickly and efficiently, it's simple to create visualizations that can highlight a variety of different factors. Using images is yet another way to use the powerful tools afforded by Big Data to create approachable and workable takeaways. 

Big Data requires ethical foresight

Big Data has transformed companies. Industries from sports to farming have taken advantage of the unparalleled efficacy afforded by sophisticated analytical models. On a societal level, previously intractable problems have been addressed through use of large-scale information, a unique benefit to the modern proliferation of data.

But it comes with a responsibility.

A recent article in the Stanford Law Review highlighted this point. In it, authors Neil Richards and Jonathan King called for a greater social understanding of the best time to use Big Data. Richards and King implore authorities to use information responsibly, noting that is the key to getting the most social benefit from it.

"Recognizing the paradoxes of big data, which show its perils alongside its potential, will help us to better understand this revolution. It may also allow us to craft solutions to produce a revolution that will be as good as its evangelists predict," they write. 

One important facet is transparency. It is not enough simply for companies to know more about their customers. The customers should in turn know that their information is being collected and be able to make a reasoned choice about it. While privacy is still an important and valuable concern—you don't need to disclose all of your sales figures to anybody that happens to be shopping in your store—if you are judging a person based on a given basis, it is generally advisable that they at least know what your criteria are. In addition, it is incumbent upon government and technology leaders to improve their products as much as possible — something the FileMaker service continues to strive for with each new product. 

Richards and King are also quick to note the inherent power of information sharing, citing the Arab Spring protestor's ability to organize quickly and efficiently. In response, however, the Syrian regime secretly used internet-mining practices to punish dissent, a departure from ethical practice of Big Data. Thus, we see that the goals behind the usage of these tactics is crucial in determining whether they are right. 

In the end, analytics are a positive force, and a tool for change not only in business but also in society. However, it is up to the person gathering and using the information to deploy it positively. If your company is using FileMaker fairly, transparently and safely, it is contributing to best practices. 

Data analysis helps retailers identify trends

Pattern recognition is one of our most crucial instincts. Being able to understand new things quickly by using information gleaned in the past could help early humans avoid eating the wrong berries, or being devoured by an aggressive animal. That tendency carried into the modern institution of sales: identifying what a customer needs is the first step towards being able to provide it for them. 

In the past, this process was largely organic. A salesperson could meet every person that came into their shop, and interact with them on a personal level to get information about what might motivate them. However, many modern companies don't have that luxury: they have hundreds of thousands or even millions of potential consumers, and global reaches. It's physically impossible to shake every customer's hand and have a face to face conversation.

Big data can help bridge that gap.

By using custom software, like the FileMaker service, companies can take the piles of piles of information they have, and sort it into something useable. Take, for example, clothing retailer Brooks Brothers.

The company maintains more than 500 physical and online clothing outlets worldwide. The amount of information collected was overwhelming, and no one person could parse through it without any level of effectiveness. Analytics director Cindy Lincks was at a loss, unable to sift through the spreadsheets quickly to find usable nuggets that would translate to sales. 

The solution, it turned out, was custom database software. Starting with their online store, Brooks Brothers began using big data principles to make decisions. Rather than poring over each granular piece of data, they outsourced the job to a firm that specialized in large-scale analytics. Some of the results, it turned out, were surprising. Lincks recalls one suit in particular whose prominent placement led to unforeseen problems. 

"Logically you'd put the suit in the first spot in the store order, but what we didn't notice was it was being overexposed in so many places, and it was being sold out quickly," Lincks told the Washington Post.

This wound up disappointing potential customers, and hindering conversions.

Now, Lincks and her team can solve such issues in real time, and much more quickly. Instead of spending precious time poring over individual data points, they can focus on innovation and resolution: the software provides reports automatically that once would have taken an estimated 8 hours to compile manually. Instead, the analytics team can just log into their dashboard, look at the info on customer views, inventory and ordering patterns and make quick determinations about where their marketing dollars should be allocated.

Big data isn't just for big businesses: smaller retailers can use these principles on a modified scale. A program like FileMaker pro can help you organize and analyze more quickly and efficiently than simple spreadsheets ever could. Instead of being caught by surprise by trends, you can monitor them as they happen, and be in the best possible position to take full advantage and convert more sales.  

It's the next best thing to having a personal conversation with each customer. 

Amazon enters the Big Data game

Amazon, the giant online marketplace that sells everything from candy to appliances, has released its entry into the Big Data Games.

The service is called Kinesis, and it's designed to support the efforts of software developing companies. It will be able to stream data instantly, as well as analyze thousands of streams any second. It's also scalable, allowing app developers to pull from as many sources as they need at the time.

As such, it is price a la carte. You pay based on the amount of information used and how it is packaged. The model is based on a unit called a "shard" which measures Internet thoroughput. One shard will allow a user to capture 1 MB per second of data at up to 1,000 PUT transactions per second, and enable apps to read data at up to 2 MB per second.

For those looking into custom database software, this development could be an interesting one: this real-time data will allow companies to react to changes instantly, as well as provide all the other benefits of information analysis. Kinesis might ultimately grant a wider flexibility to businesses with wide user bases. 

In a statement, Terry Hanold, vice president of new business initiatives at Amazon Web Services, described the value of this functionality. 

"Database and MapReduce technologies are good at handling large volumes of data," Hanold said. "But they are fundamentally batch-based, and struggle with enabling real-time decisions on a never-ending — and never fully complete — stream of data. Amazon Kinesis aims to fill this gap, removing many of the cost, effort and expertise barriers customers encounter with streaming data solutions."

While for a smaller company, a service like FileMaker might be the best solution, this large-scale data capturing could be big news for more massive corporations.