New FileMaker 14 features: Part Two [Video]

Hi everybody, and welcome back! In part two of our two-part series, we’ll be taking a look at a few more FileMaker 14’s best features.

One of the things users love most about FileMaker 14 is how they can organize all of their solutions as they see fit. They can be moved around in the Launch Center, allowing users to instantly find what they are looking for. There are 29 pre-built icons that will help with this process.

If someone loses their network connection and the server goes down, FileMaker 14 automatically reconnects when it is available again, with no data lost.

As always, thanks for watching, and be sure to check back here again soon for more helpful FileMaker tips and the latest industry news!

New FileMaker 14 features: Part One [Video]

Hi everybody, and welcome back! In part one of our two-part series, we’ll be taking a look at some of the best features of the FileMaker 14 platform.

When it comes to automating your new FileMaker solution, the Script Workspace does more of that work for you. Create, edit and view your scripts and calculations in one streamlined workspace, instead of them being all over the place.

Users can now operate FileMaker 14 from their mobile devices. The power of a FileMaker desktop solution is now fully available on your iPhone or iPad through FileMaker WebDirect.

As always, thanks for watching, and be sure to check back here again soon for more helpful FileMaker tips and the latest industry news, including part two of this series!

3 ways to increase the productivity of your tech startup

Here are a few ways you can improve the overall productivity of your tech startup:

  • Create a flexible office: People work outside of 9-to-5 these days, which means companies have to be more open to flexible schedules. We have technology that enables us to talk and work no matter where we happen to be. Encourage employees to break away from their desks and find inspiration and productivity to work, wherever that might be.
  • Encourage communication: Many companies falter because there is not open communication between departments, with one set of employees focused on one task without consulting anybody outside of their bubble. In order to finish projects and jobs faster, everybody needs to be working in tandem. If not, there could be a situation where a project is done incorrectly because necessary information was not passed along.
  • Give everyone a voice: For people to be invested and want to accomplish a goal on time, they have to feel as if their voice is actually being heard by those in management. Fostering a culture where people feel as if their ideas are valued and actually used in the company is essential for a startup to build an edge over the competition. Nobody wants to feel alienated or as if the work they are doing does not matter, and effective communication can erase those thoughts entirely.

Check out the rest of our website to learn more about FileMaker 14 and how you can incorporate the entire solution seamlessly into your tech business or everyday life.

3 early-stage product management tips for every tech startup

If you are about to launch a tech startup, there are many different things you will want to keep in mind. Here are a few tips that will help you successfully create a product:

  • Build for every customer: One of the most important things you will need to keep in mind is your potential customer base. While you certainly want to be invested in your product, you are not constructing it just for you, but for those who will be paying for it. The product should satisfy a need the customer was not even aware they had.
  • Make data-driven decisions: While you might assume something is going to work, you need to have the numbers to back you up. Be metrics-obsessed from day one, and launch your product with at least Google Analytics put into place. Test every possible angle of the product before it is released for mass consumption, or you could face problems.
  • Work should be divided: Breaking up all of the work that needs to be done into smaller chunks will make the process feel a lot less overwhelming than it would otherwise. For a young startup with a small team, it is easy for the work to pile up, but dividing up the work equally will make it possible to estimate how much each person can handle in a timely manner.

Check out the rest of our website to learn more about FileMaker 14 and how you can incorporate the entire solution seamlessly into your tech business or everyday life.

What to know about FileMaker WebDirect

FileMaker WebDirect is the perfect alternative if you do not wish to install or maintain software locally. It makes it easy, for example, for teams that work in remote office locations to share and edit information on the same server. FileMaker WebDirect can be used to securely collect data, such as status updates, event registrations and feedback forms, from colleagues and associates that are all across the globe.

Users can access FileMaker WebDirect in a web browser that is shared through concurrent connections in FileMaker 14. With the latest version of this software available from FileMaker, there can be up to 100 concurrent connections at a single time, with each browser session counting as one connection. This will allow a number of colleagues to be sharing information and data at the same time, cutting down on any inefficiencies.

It is easy for users to get up and running with FileMaker WebDirect. First, a solution tuned for web browsing can be created through FileMaker Pro. Under the FileMaker Pro 14 file menu, enable FileMaker WebDirect access to a solution. Then, upload the created solution to FileMaker Server 14. After all of this has been completed, users can access the created solution by using a concurrent connection in any FileMaker Server.

There are all kinds of new features in FileMaker WebDirect, from increased mobile browser support to a redesigned toolbar to menu items that automatically collapse and expand.

Check out the rest of our website to learn more about FileMaker 14 and how you can incorporate the entire solution seamlessly into your tech business or everyday life.

How can you build a tech startup that will succeed?

Starting a tech company will require a lot of work, but does not have to be too overwhelming, as long as the right guidelines are followed. Here are a few tips that will help you run your tech startup successfully for years:

  • Focus on only one aspect: When you first launch your company, you do not want to spread your resources too thin. This will result in you doing many things of a lesser quality, instead of really mastering one area at a time. In order to prevent this, simply put all of your attention on what is most important and what will help the startup to grow over time.
  • Have a viable business plan: Business live and die by how extensive the business plan guiding them is. Before you apply for financing or approach others to partner up with, you need to lay out exactly what the goals of the startup are and how they will be accomplished. This is especially true when it comes to financing, as you cannot go above your overall budget.
  • Relationships are important: You will want to work with people you can absolutely trust. When startups are getting off of the ground, many people will be working towards the same goal, as those in charge cannot micromanage every aspect. This means partnering with and hiring those you can trust to get things done well without constantly having to be watched over.

Check out the rest of our website to learn more about FileMaker 14 and how you can incorporate the entire solution seamlessly into your tech business or everyday life.

Take control of your iOS experience with FileMaker 14

With the FileMaker 14 platform, it is easy for users to have total control over how their solutions look and run on mobile devices such as the iPad and iPhone. Here are a few ways running mobile data solutions is easier with FileMaker 14:

  • Enabled touch keyboards: Users can add a script to control whether or not the keyboard appears in the solution while it is being worked on. This allows for people to tap into and scroll through an entire field without the keyboard getting in the way. Now users will have a cleaner space to work with in FileMaker, easing any past frustration.
  • Set screen orientation: A script in FileMaker enables all users to create a script designed specifically to lock the orientation of the layout in order to build layouts for either portrait or landscape views. Depending on the size and shape of the screen, this gives people greater control over their entire FileMaker solution experience.
  • Video and audio playback: This feature plays videos in a container field as well as a full screen. Users can also interact with their solution's layouts while the video is playing, allowing them to work on multiple projects at once. New scripts also automate the starting and stopping point of a video or audio recording, which is ideal for training scenarios when you only want to view certain chapters or sections at a single time.

Check out the rest of our website to learn more about FileMaker 14 and how you can incorporate the entire solution seamlessly into your tech business or everyday life.

Budget-friendly tips to market your tech startup

Marketing your tech startup is one of the keys to its long-term success. However, as your initial capital will likely be tied up in other areas of the business, many think it will be hard to launch an effective campaign with the money they have on hand. However, this does not have to be the case, as long as you make smart decisions.

Here are a few ways you can market your tech startup without breaking the bank:

  • Add value through email marketing: Email marketing is not the same as simply spamming a person's inbox. In fact, when done strategically, email marketing can be incredibly effective at expanding a client or customer base. Create a well-planned schedule so people will know when to expect the emails and look forward to updates on the company.
  • Build your strategic partnerships: It can be easy for startups to get lost in the crowd and go unnoticed, as hundreds of thousands are formed in the United States each year. But by reaching out to those well-known companies in the tech world, you can maximize the exposure of your startup and market it much more effectively.
  • Engage with social media followers: Social media can be used for a lot more than advertising, as it can help your tech company reach people it might not have otherwise. Make an effort to share useful information through your company's social media accounts and engage with the customers who are responsive to what you are putting out.

Check out the rest of our website to learn more about FileMaker and how you can incorporate it seamlessly into your tech business or everyday life.

What are the key improvements of FileMaker 14?

FileMaker 14 is a cross-platform solution that can be used to create, develop, manage and share information with different groups of people. Whether those people are using iPhones, iPads odesktop computers does not matter, as FileMaker 14 is able to run on any number of platforms. This is a solution that makes it simple for people to store and organize their business data.

As with any technological effort, there are regular upgrades to FileMaker made with the goal of an easier experience for users. The latest version, FileMaker 14, was released earlier in 2015. Here are some of the biggest improvements to the platform:

  • Desktop-style web apps: FileMaker 14 has a complete redesign of FileMaker WebDirect, introducing built-in support for mobile tablets, allowing apps to run seamlessly. FileMaker's toolbar has also been changed so it will adapt automatically to the size of a user's browser, making the best use of the available screen real estate. 
  • Faster run times: FileMaker 14 allows solutions to run up to 25 percent faster than past versions. The newest solution also has double the number of supported concurrent connections, from 50 to 100. Automatic reconnect also helps users quickly recover from a lost connection, not losing any bit of data to an unreliable network connection.
  • Launch center: FileMaker 14 has replaced dialog boxes and pull-down menus with an app-like interface and large icons in the Launch Center. When a FileMaker solution is created, users can choose pre-built icons or create their own.

Check out the rest of our website to learn more about FileMaker and how you can incorporate it seamlessly into your tech business or everyday life.

Are you wasting time chasing your business data?

FileMaker is a great way to effectively store and access all of the information you need. Here are a few common ways people lose time chasing down their important data:

  • Scattered information: If your crucial information is stored away in separate systems or multiple spreadsheets, it can be a hassle to track down what you actually need in a timely way. This is especially true if the data is on paper only and has not been digitized yet.
  • Slow manual process: Gathering data manually is a process that is slow and is often prone to information errors. Gathering and sharing information this way is inefficient and can end up costing your business clients and money in the long run.
  • Rigid technology: One of the main issues people face when dealing with business data is technology that can not be tailored to their own specific needs. This often means having to use prepackaged apps that don't perform exactly as you want them to and often cannot support both desktops and mobile technology.

The answer to all of these problems is to create your own data solution using FileMaker. This solution will do whatever it is you need of it, without being too difficult to use or time consuming. With a custom solution, you will also be saving money, as you will only be paying for exactly what you will be using on a regular basis.

Check out the rest of our website to learn more about FileMaker and how you can incorporate it seamlessly into your tech business or everyday life.