CT FileMaker Developer Group – System Notifications with FMP 2024

8/21/2024 – This month, Robert Naud will take a look at a feature which, although first introduced for FileMaker Go, FileMaker 2024 now makes available to FileMaker Pro. We’re talking about system notifications! Even though we’ve managed to do without them for a long time, they offer us interesting opportunities to interact with the users of our applications. We look forward to seeing you there!


CT FileMaker Developer Group – What’s New in FileMaker 2024?

7/17/2024 – This month, Douglas Wallis, Product Manager at Claris, will be joining us to present the new features included in the recent release of FileMaker 2024. In addition, Steven Blackwell will be showing the group a couple major security issues that the FileMaker 2024 release has resolved.


CT FileMaker Developer Group – AI in FileMaker

5/29/2024 – This month, we will be discussing the topic of AI in FileMaker. Please come prepared to discuss your experience with AI in FileMaker and to present any AI integrations you may have come up with.


CT FileMaker Developer Group – Engage Presentations Recap & Discussion

4/24/2024 – This month, we will be recapping and discussing our favorite Claris Engage presentations. Please come prepared to discuss the presentations you found most interesting and enlightening.


CT FileMaker Developer Group – Webmin Server GUI Tool

4/19/2023 – This month, Oliver Reid will be presenting the Webmin GUI tool for Claris Server on Linux. Webmin provides all tools needed managing a Claris (or FileMaker) Linux server. Those who have becomes used to a Mac or Windows GUI will find Webmin as easy, if not easier, to use to upload, download and organize files for a Claris Server, set up OS level cron jobs, set ownership and permission for files and folders, and install ODBC drivers to support ESS, and more.


CT FileMaker Developer Group – KyoSync II & Engage Recap

3/27/2024 – This month, John Mathewson of Kyo Logic will be sharing KyoSync II, which was unveiled at Claris Engage. John will relate how his team reliably syncs two FileMaker systems, even when one server is remote and has limited access. You’ll also get an inside look at KyoSync II, the technology that made this all possible.

In addition, we will also be reviewing Claris Engage and discussing the new ideas and trends that came out of the event.


CT FileMaker Developer Group – Admin API Server Monitoring

9/20/2023 – This month, Robert Naud we will take us through an Admin Api demo file published by Soliant, and discuss possible use cases and customization ideas. We will also discuss some things to know about the API itself, especially concerning the authentication, and will look at the available documentation. Meet with us and add yet another tool to your toolbox!


CT FileMaker Developer Group – MongoDB

1/18/2023 – This month, Oliver Reid will be giving his critically acclaimed “Low Cognitive Load” presentation of MongoDB. Its purpose is to provide an overview of how MongoDB works, which is informative while not diving too far into technical details. As always, please feel free to come with any topics that you would like to discuss or present.


CT FileMaker Developer Group – Linux Setup and Hosting Option Discussions

12/7/2022 – This month, we will be discussing how to set up a Linux Server for FileMaker and what options are out there for Cloud Hosting. As always, please feel free to come with any topics that you would like to discuss or present.