3 tips for hiring new tech employees

Tech workers are an essential part of any business, which is why you will only want to bring on top talent to work for you. When something goes wrong in the office, you will want somebody there who can both fix the problem and explain it to you.

Here are a few easy tips to help you hire the best possible IT worker:

  • Ask them to break down a technical problem: A large part of a tech employee's day will be fixing IT problems in the office, which will require explaining what is being done to those who lack the same expertise. To ensure this is possible, have the candidate explain a tech issue to you in a way that is easy to understand.
  • Have non-tech employees interview them: Whether it is somebody from customer support or from the sales division, members of a different team should interview the potential employee so you can get their feedback. If the person is somebody they feel will be difficult to work with, chances are you should go in another direction.
  • Look for those with client experience: If an employee is going to be doing more than simply coding somewhere in the back of the office, they will need to have experience in dealing directly with clients or customers.

If you have recently launched your own tech startup and are in need of new custom database software, be sure to contact Kyo Logic today! Check out the rest of our website to learn more about the different services and products that we offer to our clients.

Launch a successful tech startup with these 3 tips

Launching a startup is difficult in any industry, but this is especially true for those who work in the tech world. If you are not strategic in how you roll out your product or service, you could soon find yourself swallowed up by the competition.

However, you can stop this from happening as long as you follow some simple guidelines. Because you likely won't have a lot of capital to work with at the beginning, you will need to make every dollar and moment count.

Here are a few helpful tips that will help you successfully launch a tech startup:

  • Create a solid business plan: You will need to have a guiding idea that informs all of the decisions you make. Having a solid business plan will show potential investors how serious you are about the business and lay the foundation for your success.
  • Hire the best possible talent: Of course, a startup would be nothing without the people working there. You should find those with a passion for what you are trying to accomplish, as this dedication will help carry the company through the rocky first steps.
  • Invest in targeted marketing: If you have not considered it before, the right marketing strategy can really get the word out your business out there. Be sure to target those who are in the desired demographic you want to reach.

If you have recently launched your own tech startup and are in need of new custom database software, be sure to contact Kyo Logic today! Check out the rest of our website to learn more about the different services and products that we offer to our clients.

3 ways tech startups can save money

If you have just launched your own tech startup, chances are very good that you will not have a ton of money in your budget to work with. This is true of most industries, but is especially apparent in the tech world, which often requires a good deal of expensive equipment.

However, there are steps you can take in order to cut how much you spend at the beginning. Once your startup becomes profitable, you can look to expanding your services and the people that you have on your full-time payroll.

Here are a few easy ways you can reduce your startup's expenses:

  • Find an engineer co-founder: Having a co-founder of the startup who is an engineer will give your company a huge advantage in a crowded field. Somebody on the ground floor of the business with the technical skills to develop a product quickly will be a valuable long-term team player.
  • Don't focus on office space: Instead of trying to get fancy office space right off the bat, hold off until you can actually afford something. You will already be spreading yourself very thin financially, you don't want to take on the unnecessary burden of real estate costs.
  • Only hire who you need: When your company grows and develops, there will be a need for many different employees in various departments. When you are just starting off, however, keep the staff as small as possible.

If you have your own tech startup and are in need of new custom database software, be sure to contact Kyo Logic today! Check out the rest of our website to learn more about the different services and products that we offer to our clients.

FileMaker Go vs Pro [Video]

Hey everybody and welcome back! This time, we’ll be taking a look at some of the differences between FileMaker Go and FileMaker Pro.

FileMaker Pro is great for you to manage your databases while working, meaning you can fully utilize all that FileMaker has to offer through either your desktop or a tablet, such as the iPad. 

While FileMaker Go can now access these databases, it can only do so in certain instances. You can find, sort through and add records, but editing them is more of a challenge than with FileMaker Pro.

As always thanks for watching, and be sure to check back here again soon for more helpful FileMaker tips and the latest industry news!

Managing FileMaker on your iPad [Video]

Hey everybody and welcome back! This time, we’ll be talking about how beneficial FileMaker can be when used on your iPad for business.

The great thing about using FileMaker on your iPad is how easy the tablet makes data management. You can collect, edit, search and even sort out the relevant data that you need right on your iPad.

If you are using your iPad to make an eye-catching report for work, FileMaker is there to help! While creating and displaying graphs and charts is something you can do, FileMaker also makes it possible for you to print your materials using AirPrint.

As always thanks for watching, and be sure to check back here soon for more helpful FileMaker tips and the latest industry news!

FileMaker offers training sessions [Video]

Hey everybody and welcome back! This time, we’ll be discussing FileMaker’s available training sessions.

Earlier this month, FileMaker announced it would be running new training seminars for the latest version of the product, FileMaker 14. The in-depth experience, which includes both exercises and downloadable activity files, will be an extensive guide to creating FileMaker solutions that run on the web, as well as iPads, iPhones, Windows or Mac systems.

There are a variety of lessons available to those interested, including a total platform overview, starter solutions and importing and editing data. These training guides are available to purchase directly from FileMaker or Apple.

As always thanks for watching, and be sure to check back here soon for more helpful FileMaker tips and the latest tech news.

FileMaker goes mobile [Video]

Hey everybody and welcome back! This time, we’ll be talking about FileMaker’s new browser.

FileMaker WebDirect is accessible from a web browser. The web browsers that are able to support this system include Safari 8 and higher, Chrome 38 or later and anything over Internet Explorer 11. FileMaker mobile can also be used with mobile Safari 8 on iOS 8.1 or Chrome 38 on Android 4.4.

However, you should be aware of the slight limitations of FileMaker when it is run on mobile browsers. Container fields support viewing content only, with some dialogue boxes, such as the inserting or editing of data not supported.

As always thanks for watching, and be sure to check back here soon for more helpful FileMaker tips and the latest tech news!

Making Non-Profits More Tech-Savvy: GoodWeave Serves As An Example

How (and why) should non-profits become more tech-savvy? GoodWeave offers an example of how a robust tech-based system can help an organization operate at scale…..


GoodWeave began the process of building a tech-based system in 1999.  The non-profit worked with Colibri Solutions, a New York-based company, to create a custom database that manages not just their supply chain and inspection data but also their communications, website, fundraising and financial information.

“We’re a tiny staff with a huge mission,” says Smith, referring to a network of 45 personnel in three countries.  The technology, she says, has been “instrumental in our successes in stopping child exploitation.” 

Despite its affection for technology, GoodWeave does not have a full-time technologist on staff — a common theme in the social space where lack of funding and high salaries in the private sector make non-profits less competitive.

If she wasn’t using Filemaker, what would she be using to manage all that data? “Probably Excel spreadsheets.”

Read more of the article here

FileMaker Developer Conference 2015

If you are looking to expand your knowledge of solution development, than going to FileMaker Developer Conference 2015 is certainly an event you should have marked down on your calendar! There will be more than 60 sessions on in-depth topics that range from cover design and mobility to core development and innovation.

The conference will be held this July, from the 20-23, in beautiful Las Vegas, Nevada. More than 1,200 software developers from around the world will be at this event, which will mark the 20th anniversary of the first FileMaker conference. You can learn all about the possibilities of FileMaker solution development!

Here are some of the topics you will be able to dive into during the 2015 FileMaker conference:

  • What's on the horizon for the FileMaker platform
  • Get tips on developing iOS, web and desktop solutions
  • Learn more about how to better use FileMaker
  • Network with FileMaker developers from around the world
  • Discover the new products and services that are out there
  • An immediate ROI on your overall conference investment

Whether you are new to the FileMaker platform as a whole or have been using the service for years, you'll absolutely want to take advantage of everything that the 2015 FileMaker conference has to offer! The first day is dedicated entirely to FileMaker training, so you can learn what has changed and been upgraded in just the past few months.

If you are interested in learning more about the 2015 FileMaker Developer Conference, be sure to check out the event's website. Also be sure to take a look at the rest of our blog to see how the FileMaker platform can be more seamlessly integrated into your company's system.

7 lessons every tech startup should learn

A lot can happen in the early days of a tech startup that can make or break a company's success. Here are seven ways to get through those initial struggles:

  • Criticism. When meeting with venture capitalists looking for initial funding, company's will often get criticism from people who want to pass. Learn from it. Know what you need to work on for your next pitch.
  • Look ahead. When creating a new product, don't look at what's currently popular and make another version of that. Unless a company can add something genuinely revolutionary to an existing product category, they should try to create the next big product category.
  • Selectivity. A lot of people will offer you advice along the way. Know whose to take and whose not to.
  • Balance. When building your initial team, hire people who complement each other, both in terms of personality and skill. Identify gaps in experience or knowledge among existing employees and hire to fill them.
  • Long-term. When building out a company, think ahead. Initially, keep trying to raise money even if you've already met your needs. Keep business relationships strong. Investors who initially passed may look to get in down the line. 
  • Forget the competition. Don't be reactionary. If your competitor found success in one area, don't follow them. Lead. Create a new success and let them chase you. 
  • Market. Just having a strong concept isn't enough to get noticed. Get the word out there. Whether through internal resources or an external team, make marketing a priority. 

If you have recently created your own tech startup and are in need of new custom database software, be sure to contact Kyo Logic today! Take a look at the rest of our website to learn more about the different services we offer.