Massachusetts tech industry is flourishing

Massachusetts has been a leader in the technology world within the United States for years, but a new report says that things are growing in the Bay State nicely. This is especially true for those who work in certain sectors of IT, such as engineers, programmers and robotics engineers, which are experiencing a wonderful amount of public and private support.

The Mass Technology Leadership Council released its annual "State of Technology" report for the state at the beginning of last week. Mass Technology Leadership Council is the largest IT organization in Massachusetts and is looked to for guidance in this arena. The group says that the tech industry in Massachusetts, particularly in Boston, has seen rapid growth over the last five years.

Across the entire state, dozens of companies have either opened or expanded, with the Innovation District in Boston flourishing nicely in this time period. This has had wonderful results, as the tech sector become the most concentrated in the country in Massachusetts in 2013. This means that tech jobs make up a larger portion of overall jobs in Massachusetts than any other state.

This has resulted in Massachusetts dethroning California as the most technologically savvy and heavy state in the entire country. What experts have noted is the the IT world in Massachusetts is diverse, as the jobs and industry are not tied up in one area of study.

"The remarkable thing is how diverse our tech ecosystem is, from big data to robotics to life sciences," Mass Technology Leadership Council chief executive Tom Hopcroft told the Boston Globe. "Our real strength as a region is the interplay between all these areas."

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Classroom project highlights importance of technology in education

It can often seem as if technology is taking over our daily lives, for good and bad. There are those who would argue that being surrounded by technology all the time is replacing human interaction, although there is no question that it can also be used for good.

Take a recent classroom project that was completed by a pair of first and fourth grade grade classes at the Mountain View Elementary School in Bristol, Connecticut. The assignment was for the fourth graders to work in pairs researching different animals to present to the first graders in a series of presentations.

The topics varied from dinosaurs to beavers, while the fourth graders were instructed to use the interactive white boards at the school in order to enhance their projects and create the best presentations possible for the younger students. The teachers told a local news source they came up with the idea one day in early January while talking about the proliferation of technology in schools.

"Technology is everywhere in school now. Even with gym class, it can be as simple as you have Pandora on for the kids to exercise to, and the art teacher will put music on for the kids to get inspired," Mountain View Elementary School fifth grade teacher Stacey Pratt told The Bristol Press.

If you are looking to include technology more often in your everyday life and are in need of custom web application development, be sure to work with KYO Logic today! Take a look at the rest of our website to learn more about the custom database software that we offer to our customers.

13 Massachusetts energy tech projects given funding

Massachusetts has long been a leader in the United States in the fields of technology and clean energy, often ranking among the top states in the nation for progressive government projects and private initiatives. Now these industries are being recognized for their achievements and being funded to make even greater strides into the future.

Earlier this week, 13 projects across the state of Massachusetts were awarded a total of $1.2 million in total funding for their efforts in promoting green energy innovation. These awards were given to businesses, researchers and organizations by the Massachusetts Clean Energy Center's InnovateMass and Catalyst programs.

Those who have won these prestigious awards in the past have gone on to great success, having raised more than $35 million in funding from venture capitalists, investors and federal programs. The point of these awards is to spur on new technology that will both benefit the economy of the state, but also help protect the environment in new and exciting ways.

"Massachusetts is a hub for clean energy innovation and entrepreneurship and Massachusetts is home to at $10 billion clean energy industry that employs more than 80,000 workers," said Massachusetts Clean Energy Center CEO Alicia Barton in a statement. "These grants will help emerging companies and researchers hone the game-changing technologies that will tackle our energy challenges and create local jobs."

If you are starting your own tech company — whether in the environmental field or not — and are in need of custom web application development to help grow your business, be sure to work with KYO Logic today! Take a look at the rest of our website to learn more about the custom database software that we offer.

3 tips to successfully grow and expand your tech startup

If you have recently started up your own IT company, there are plenty of guidelines out there that will help you be successful over a long period of time. The tech industry is famously competitive, so you want to make sure that you have every advantage possible.

The key to being successful with your startup is to focus on the fundamentals of building a solid business, from having a firm idea of what you would like to accomplish to who you bring on board to work with you. Running your own startup can be difficult, but rewarding.

Here are a few tips to help ensure your success:

  • Keep the application process simple: While you certainly only want the best people working for you, it will be counterproductive to scare people away with a tedious or painful application process. Be sure to strike a balance between challenging and accepting.
  • Plan ahead for growth: The most important thing you can do for your startup is plan into the future. While there are certain variables and unexpected circumstances that will come up and change over the years, having a concrete plan will help guide your actions.
  • Represent your company well: If you are attending career exhibitions or fairs, you want to be sure that you put your best foot forward with potential employees or investors. This means being able to break down your goals into day-to-day basics in a friendly way.

If you have recently started your own tech company and are in need of custom web application development to help grow your brand, be sure to work with KYO Logic today! Take a look at the rest of our website to learn more about the custom database software that we offer.

EMC Corporation to address skeptical investors and critics

The EMC Corporation, a multinational computer data storage company headquartered in Hopkinton, Massachusetts, is currently facing criticism from Wall Street that its earnings and production have grown stagnant in recent years. This is a charge that top executives will work to address and refute in the near future.

EMC Corp. is the largest technology company in the entire state of Massachusetts, employing 68,000 people worldwide with an annual revenue of $24 billion. Despite these successes, the company is set to hold a strategy summit in New York City on Tuesday, March 10 to reassure investors and analysts that everything is on the right track.

Most of the top executives, including the longtime chief executive Joseph Tucci, will be at the strategy summit. The goal will be to present new company information, review all strategic options, answer questions from investors and listen to the ideas or criticisms that those attending have for those in charge of the company.

Industry analysts are skeptical that this major meeting will change the minds of those that have been most critical of EMC in recent months. Those critics say that the major technology goliath has not been doing enough to increase its share value and articulate the long-term business plan for the nearly 40-year old corporation.

Executives, however, are confident that after this meeting all of those critics will be more confident in the direction that the tech company is going in.

If you are starting your own tech company and are in need of custom web application development to help grow your brand, be sure to work with KYO Logic today! Take a look at the rest of our website to learn more about the custom database software that we offer.

3 ways smartphones can grow your tech startup

The great thing about starting your own business is that you get to be in complete control of its branding and message. This is especially important for tech startups, as you want to be able to set yourself apart from the competition and grow your company well.

One of the best ways you can do this is by utilizing smartphones. These days, most people have some kind of smartphone in their pocket, and this kind of constant communication will allow you to expand your brand and your business much more quickly than you could otherwise.

Here are a few ways this is possible:

  • Accessibility: The most successful companies in any field are those that are in constant contact with those it is doing business with. You want to be in a position where your clients can reach you with anything they need to talk about, which is why the smartphone is essential.
  • Efficiency: If you are looking to get the word out to potential clients and customers, doing so with a mobile app will allow you to reach a lot of people at once. This will allow you to keep people updated on the latest pieces of technology or upgrades that your company is offering.
  • Environmentally friendly: The great thing about the tech industry is how green it can be and often is. By using smartphones to communicate, you will be reducing your carbon footprint.

If you are starting your own tech company and are in need of custom web application development to help grow your brand, be sure to work with KYO Logic today! Take a look at the rest of our website to learn more about the custom database software that we offer.

Boston Mayor Marty Walsh praises FCC net neutrality ruling

Late last week, the United States Federal Communications Commission (FCC) issued a ruling about what is commonly referred to as "net neutrality." The concept of net neutrality is to keep all internet access fair and open, so some internet and cable providers cannot pay for better access and offer that to their customers.

The FCC ruled, 3-2, that all internet content must be treated equally, no matter who the service provider is. For a state as tech savvy as Massachusetts, this ruling will benefit both private citizens who rely on their computers and technology companies that do work on the internet each and every day.

While the ruling has been somewhat controversial and will likely head to U.S. federal court to be worked out entirely, Boston Mayor Marty Walsh issues a statement praising the decision of the FCC, which will allow tech businesses to continue to grow and thrive throughout both the city and the entire state.

"We are pleased that the FCC has voted to preserve an open internet and the right to build community broadband networks. Strong rules supporting an open internet protect broadband consumers and preserve a level playing field for our innovative technology businesses," Mayor Walsh said in his public statement. "The right of cities to build their own broadband networks is an important tool to drive investment in critical 21st century infrastructure."

The mayor continued by talking about how the FCC is progressive in its new broadband policy, and that his administration would continue to work with laws at the local, state and federal levels to continue driving forward the state's digital economy, as well as improving the affordability and accessibility of broadband in the city.

If you have your own tech startup and need custom database software, be sure to work with KYO Logic today.

3 ways to strengthen your company’s cybersecurity

When you are working with technology, you will need to do everything you can to keep your private data secure. This is especially true for businesses that are just starting out, as you don't want your competition to get the upper hand on you.

While hacks and other cyber issues do occur, you want to try to prevent them as best as you possibly can. By taking a few extra measures to ensure the security of your private information and other data, you will be able to run your business without worrying about cyber problems.

Here are some tips to help you out:

  • Control administration access: Not everybody who works for the company will need access to every piece of information on the server. That is why you should limit those who have administration access to only those who absolutely need it as a part of their job.
  • Have training sessions: Your employees might not even be aware of how their everyday actions could possibly endanger the cybersecurity of your company. You should have a training seminar where they will learn the risks of installing new software or using free WiFi networks to surf the internet.
  • Work with those you trust: If there is an outsider vendor that wants to work with your company that you don't trust completely, you should do business elsewhere. That lack of trust and communication could lead to further problems down the road.

If you are in the process of building your own tech company, you will need the best custom database software out there! Be sure to work with KYO Logic today so your custom web application development will match the growing success of your new business.

3 ways to see rapid growth with your startup

Starting your own business is one of the most exciting things you can do over the course of your career. You will be making a big leap, however, so you want to make sure that you have everything in order before you commit yourself financially.

As long as you are willing to follow a few simple guidelines, you will see rapid expansion and success for your startup. This is especially important in the tech world, as your early success will come to define the overall brand of your company.

Here are a few tips to help you navigate these new waters:

  • Be patient: While you will want your company to grow as quickly as possible, that might not be possible at the very beginning. You need to have faith that what you are doing will pay off in the long run, so don't be afraid to have a little patience with how things go.
  • Hire the right people: In order for your startup to be successful, you will need to have the right people employed. That means finding those that are familiar with the industry and have the experience your business will need to get off of the ground.
  • Plan until the end: You want to have your company planned into the foreseeable future. While it is very likely that things will come up and the course of your business will change, it is necessary to have guiding principles and ideas at the very beginning.

If you are starting your own tech business and are in need of custom database software, be sure to work with KYO Logic today! Check out the rest of our website to learn more about the products that we offer.

Connecticut ranks first in the U.S. for dating app downloads

These days, it is not uncommon to find yourself on dating apps or other forms of social media dedicated to helping you find a special someone. The name "Tinder" has become pretty synonymous with online meetings over just the last few months alone.

If you are a resident in the state of Connecticut, chances are you use a social media dating app on a regular basis. According to AVG Technologies' ranking of the entire United States, Connecticut ranks first in dating app downloads such as Tinder, Match and OKCupid.

This means that, throughout the entirely of 2014, there were more people per capita in Connecticut with an online dating app downloaded to their smartphone than any other state in the country. Rounding out the top five were Rhode Island, Wisconsin, Massachusetts and Illinois.

Although there has been an increase in digital dating in the United States, the country itself does not rank as the top nation across the globe. According to AVG Technologies, the U.S. is currently fourth in dating app popularity, falling behind the United Kingdom, Australia and Canada. Argentina rounds out the top five in this international ranking.

This information is totally anonymous, as AVG Technologies only looked at aggregate data and not into anything else about the people using these apps. This new information also does not include those people who downloaded any of these dating apps and then later decided to delete them off of their smartphones.

If you are looking to build up your tech world in another arena, such as a business startup, be sure to work with KYO Logic. We have custom database software that will be able to improve how you run your new company.