For many businesses, mobility is the next big investment in their IT strategy. Some organizations are already implementing mobile strategies, whether it is officially supported by the company or employees using their personal devices for work tasks without the IT department's knowledge. Unsurprisingly, Apple devices are the first choice.
According to the most recent quarterly report by enterprise mobile services vendor Good Technology, Apple's iOS platform holds an 88 percent market share when it comes to business apps. When it comes to the devices themselves, Apple remains on top, at least with the more than 5,000 companies that were interviewed. The iPhone makes up 51 percent of activated smartphones, while the iPad accounts for 90 percent of tablet activations. Combined that is a 67 percent share.
The report also found 70 percent of enterprises believe that providing mobile devices and support to employees will be a "high" or "critical" priority over the next 12 months.
"We see more spending shift to software for mobile applications and middleware as well as the necessary management solutions to provision and manage mobile applications," the report reads. "At the end of the day, we may talk about mobile devices, but in reality it's all about the apps."
This means more companies can benefit from quality mobile applications and Apple has several. At the top of the list is FileMaker, the popular custom database solution that is designed for mobility and comes with a free app version called FileMaker Go, that is only available on an Apple iOS platform. The right FileMaker developer can help any company optimize the software.
Justin is the President of Kyo Logic, where he’s been since 2017. With a strong business background and a passion for problem-solving, Justin wears many hats as a hands-on developer, team leader, and client project manager. He’s incredibly proud of Kyo Logic’s growth and the innovative minds that make it possible. Outside of the office, you’ll find Justin on the tennis courts or out on adventures with his dog.