Every business considering a partnership with a FileMaker developer is going to have questions. In this series we will address the frequently asked questions that our customers have about our services.
Answer: One of the most important things for every software solution is keeping it upgraded. While it may seem easy to stay with a solution that has been effective in the past, newer versions of software are often evolved, bring new features and are more secure.
The downfall of not upgrading has been a major topic in the tech world and has been front and center in 2014 because of the Microsoft operating system Windows XP. For 13 years it has been an effective piece of software running computer systems, point of sale terminals and even ATMs. However, this year the company announced that it will no longer be issuing security and support upgrades for XP.
This is because Microsoft has already released several new versions of its core operating system and continuing to support an outdated version, even is some users prefer it, is no longer cost effective. The April deadline has come and gone, leaving some users struggling to catch up.
FileMaker is no different. New versions of the software are being designed to take advantage of the latest technologies like mobile devices, the cloud and web-access. Many of these features have been updated in last years FileMaker 13 upgrade.
If your company is looking to upgrade, Kyo Logic can help. We are experienced in this process, completing more than 100 upgrades for our customers. Not only can we help with the easy move from FileMaker 11 to 13 but also the more complicated two stage process of moving from FileMaker 6 to 13. We also can provide a short white paper outlining the steps that will need to be taken.