When companies have the right custom database software they have the power to sift through a large amount of information and use it to their advantage. Big Data in marketing campaigns can be greatly beneficial, as businesses can find out exactly what their customers desire and create a unique way to bring it to them.
A contribution piece in Forbes explained that implementing Big Data successfully into marketing tactics is easier to say than to actually do. It is an intricate task, but when performed correctly it can reap extremely positive benefits for a company.
"And this starts with simple questions like: how did your last campaign perform?" the article suggests. "Which keywords drive conversions? What websites did my prospects visit before they came to my sites? Which social conversations are spurring the actions that lead to deeper engagement with your brand?"
Matt Ariker, COO of McKinsey, said in a blog post for his company that businesses should implement what he calls "destination thinking." According to Ariker, this involves companies finding an end goal and then creating the best path in which to reach it.
Jon Baron, co-founder and CEO of TagMan, wrote a contribution piece for The Guardian about marketing making sense of Big Data. Baron underlined the importance of companies turning their insights into the right actions. Having access to a lot of information can be helpful, but unless businesses can make sense of what it means, it will not do them any good.
Using a tool like FileMaker development programs can be helpful in this situation, as organizations will be able to make better sense of captured data and also apply it to their "destination."
Justin is the President of Kyo Logic, where he’s been since 2017. With a strong business background and a passion for problem-solving, Justin wears many hats as a hands-on developer, team leader, and client project manager. He’s incredibly proud of Kyo Logic’s growth and the innovative minds that make it possible. Outside of the office, you’ll find Justin on the tennis courts or out on adventures with his dog.