E-commerce is a major facet of modern markets. If a business – especially a small one – wishes to be competitive in their respective industry, it's absolutely critical that they maintain an excellent online presence through the use of a well-designed homepage.
Hubspot – a Boston-based online marketing company – published an infographic on the 12 critical elements every homepage needs. Hubspot also stated that one company saw a 105.9 percent increase in online conversions from moving just a few key elements higher up on their homepage. According to Hubspot, to increase the potential for considerable profit gains, companies homepages should have:
1. A headline that informs the viewer exactly what the website is offering
2. A sub headline to offer a brief, colloquial description of the service or product
3. Benefits of using the company's product should be prominently displayed
4. A primary call-to action that will convert traffic into leads
5. Some key features of the product or service along with the benefits of using it
6. A couple short quotes from customers to prove the quality of the product
7. Success indicators like awards and recognitions
8. A clear navigation display so viewers can easily click their way through the site
9. A supporting image or video that clearly displays what the site is offering
10. Some kind of content – like a white paper or a News or Blog page
11. A link to a resource where customers can learn more before making a decision, since 96 percent of visitors are normally not ready to buy
12. A secondary call to action placed at the bottom of a page to remind a viewer what the company has to offer.
By seeking improved database software and consulting software developing companies to assist with the remodeling of their website, a business stands an excellent chance at capitalizing on the same profit increases.
Justin is the President of Kyo Logic, where he’s been since 2017. With a strong business background and a passion for problem-solving, Justin wears many hats as a hands-on developer, team leader, and client project manager. He’s incredibly proud of Kyo Logic’s growth and the innovative minds that make it possible. Outside of the office, you’ll find Justin on the tennis courts or out on adventures with his dog.