Can FileMaker support a website? [Video]

Posted by John Mathewson on March 10, 2015


If you’re not familiar with the program FileMaker, you might be wondering what it can do to support your website. This time, we’ll take a look at just that.

Web Direct is an exciting new feature offered by FileMaker, which will allow you to easily transfer the program’s features to your web browser. It is recommended that this part of the program be used by up to 50 concurrent users.

Building a traditional website through FileMaker is something that is commonly done. FileMaker is excellent as a back end for websites, as it has very capable PHP libraries. While a plug-in is sometimes required, FileMaker can handle web services such as SOAP and WSDL with ease.

Thanks for watching, and be sure to check back here again soon for more FileMaker news and tips!